10 Cancer Symptoms We Often Ignore

Preventing and diagnosing the disease in time is essential in the fight against cancer. For this reason, if you notice any symptoms that seem abnormal to you, you should go to a specialist who knows how to examine them.

One of the most effective ways to win the fight against this disease is to recognize the symptoms of cancer and diagnose it in time.

Sometimes, due to busy schedules, we forget about annual checkups by the doctor and wait weeks before going to the hospital if we feel any pain.

Did you know that cancer symptoms are often ignored? In our article today we want to explain what they are, to help you pay more attention.

Why is it important to diagnose cancer in time?

Woman with cancer

More and more people are suffering from cancer, which in many cases leads to death. Cancer is diagnosed in hospitals and clinics almost every day.

Late diagnosis is one of the main reasons treatments don’t work well.

The longer it takes to stop the progress of cancer cells, the more the disease spreads to different areas of the body.

Prevention and rapid diagnosis are two of the most useful tools for dealing with cancer.

New drugs and treatments now allow patients to carry on with their lives and eliminate the disease, with less chance of suffering a relapse.

What are the early symptoms of cancer?

Cancer cancer cell

There are many who do not want to talk about cancer because they are afraid of it, just as they do not talk about death or accidents.

Despite this, being informed on the subject is one of the best weapons against the disease itself.

That is why it is worth paying attention to certain signals that the body sends us that could indicate the development of cancer.

Frequent cough

In addition to being caused by allergies or by changes in temperature, there are several factors that trigger a cough.

If you always have phlegm, even if you don’t smoke, you should see a doctor. Perhaps it is lung, throat, or larynx cancer.

You also need to be on the lookout for chest pain and symptoms that resemble severe bronchitis (discomfort spreads to the shoulders or under the arms).

Blood loss between menstrual cycles

During the menstrual cycle, it is possible to have small blood loss even when you are not menstruating.

Despite this, if these losses are repeated often and several times in the same month, it could be a hormonal problem, stress, inflammation of the cervix or endometrial cancer.

Frequent fever

Cancer fever

Leukemia is a type of cancer that develops in the bone marrow and attacks blood cells.

The body starts making diseased or abnormal white blood cells, which impairs the body’s ability to prevent or fight infections.

Weight loss

We are talking about weight loss without starting any diet. Although losing weight and “being fit” is the dream of many women, if it happens for no apparent reason, it indicates the presence of a disease.

Sudden weight loss can be linked to cancer.

Abdominal distension

10% of the population regularly suffer from bloating, especially in the case of women.

This common disorder is linked to PMS, indigestion or gas buildup.

However, if the inflammation remains constant for more than two weeks (and there is no possibility of pregnancy) and if it is accompanied by weight loss or bleeding, it is advisable to consult a doctor, to rule out the possibility of traits of ovarian cancer.

Bruises that don’t heal

Bruise cancer

Bruising or bruising is normal when hitting an object or falling over.

The problem arises when these appear for no reason or if there is a slow healing process (when they change color until they disappear completely).

These disorders can indicate a problem with platelets and red blood cells or even the presence of leukemia, which does not allow the blood to carry oxygen or clot as it should.

Articolar pains

It is true that the joints can become inflamed and hurt if you make sudden movements, if you exert too much or if you maintain poor posture, but they can also indicate a more serious problem, such as bone cancer.

If joint pain does not go away after following treatment, applying creams, massaging or taking medication, it is best to get checked by a bone specialist.

Changes in the male reproductive organs

If you notice swelling, inflammation, or pain (among other changes) in the testicles, it is advisable to see a doctor to determine the cause.

Testicular cancer is one of the fastest advances. According to doctors, men between the ages of 15 and 55 can do a self-check at home to monitor these changes.

Also, do not underestimate any problems you have when urinating : constant need to go to the toilet, difficulty when starting to urinate or a reduced amount of urine.

These can be symptoms of prostate cancer, a disease that occurs mainly in men over 50.

Pain in the eyes

Pain in the eye cancer

Sometimes, we spend many hours in front of the computer or a screen and it is therefore normal to arrive in the evening with red, swollen or tired eyes.

It is also normal for them to tear or burn. Nevertheless, when these symptoms occur for more than three consecutive days (for example, when on vacation), it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Breast changes

Women can also do a breast self-check when they are in the shower or in front of the mirror.

The appearance of lumps (which can go up to the armpits), suppuration of the nipples, changes in the skin or pains beyond the menstrual period should be investigated, as they could be symptoms of cancer.

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