7 Simple Herbal Remedies To Say Goodbye To Stress

Topical application or consumption of certain herbal remedies can be of great help to combat both stress and negative moods.
7 simple herbal remedies to say goodbye to stress

If we need to say goodbye to stress, we need to become aware of one aspect: we need to make some changes. In this way, we will be able to feel better and recover our well-being.

Daily stress can become chronic, almost without us realizing it. It can settle in our minds to distort thoughts and emotions, even starting to gradually compromise our health.

To deal with these moods, we have three strategies. The first is to ask for professional help. Today we have excellent therapies that allow us to better manage these problems.

The second strategy is to improve our life habits: having quality time and practicing mindfulness can be of great help.

The third strategy is to use natural remedies as a complementary therapy. Thanks to the help of some medicinal plants we will be able to reduce nervousness, anxiety or insomnia.

Take note of these 7 herbal remedies to say goodbye to stress: they will be very useful in your daily life.

Say goodbye to stress with natural plants

Tired girl in front of the computer.

Stress is a disorder that can occur episodically due to a specific situation. In this case, the body takes action to provide a quick response in a moment of urgency or need. However, when tension continues over time, stress can become very damaging to health.

It becomes essential to say goodbye to stress as soon as possible. Otherwise, gradually other symptoms and ailments will arise in our organism. These include: nervousness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, appetite disturbances, weight changes, frequent infections, etc.

In order to return to live with joy and tranquility, we must put an end to this problem. It is vital that we adopt a critical attitude towards our lifestyle, personal relationships, work, schedules and commitments. We cannot neglect family and basic needs, but neither can our happiness.

What does the science of herbal remedies say?

Complementary herbal therapies and herbal remedies are now increasingly popular. We know, however, that they can never become the first therapeutic strategy to treat both stress and any other physical or psychological condition.

Consequently, they represent secondary resources that, in some circumstances, can be useful to us. Thus, a study conducted by the University of Salerno confirms the usefulness of many types of plants. In fact, the ones that receive the most attention and are the most researched are the ones that can help us reduce pain.

So, by way of example only, it is useful to remember that there are many people who use these complementary approaches to reduce anxiety and stress, as well as headaches and other types of ailments.

Remedies to relax and say goodbye to stress

In the following lines we will see which herbal remedies can be useful to say goodbye to stress.

1. Lavender

Lavender infusion to say goodbye to stress.


The aroma of lavender evokes clean and relaxing environments, thanks to its characteristics and the antiseptic and calming properties it enjoys. It is, in fact, one of the most widespread and pleasant plants to say goodbye to stress.

Some studies, such as the one conducted at Meikai University, in Japan, show us the effectiveness of this panta in reducing the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the blood.

  • We advise you to pour a few drops of lavender essential oil on the pillow or a handkerchief.
  • In this way we will be able to balance the nervous system during the night and, therefore, to fight insomnia and rest better.

2. Siberian ginseng

Siberian ginseng ( Eleutherococcus senticosus ) is a good herbal remedy to calm the nerves. It also provides us with heat and is therefore excellent even in periods of cold or for people with cold temperatures.

  • We advise you to take it only for 15 days, always in the morning.
  • It is preferable to take breaks between cycles. In this way, if we need it again, it will always be effective.

3. Chamomile

Chamomile infusion.


We all have chamomile tea on hand, which, in fact, is an ancient remedy that we have known for decades. A cup of this tea before going to bed helps us calm down and rest better.

Some studies, such as the one conducted at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, for example, show us its effectiveness in reducing the effects associated with stress, anxiety and depression.

  • There is also chamomile essential oil, which we can apply to the skin. It is the most suitable choice for those suffering from digestive disorders caused by stress.
  • In this case, it is also possible to practice a belly massage using a vegetable oil (coconut, almond, olive), diluted in chamomile essential oil.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon, especially the Ceylon variety, is a medicinal spice with numerous healing properties. It can be very useful when stress causes us weakness, sadness, apathy, fatigue or a drop in libido.

Cinnamon is a stimulant that activates the nervous system without exciting it or making it difficult to rest. We can take it in the form of an infusion or adding it to all types of recipes, both sweet and savory.

5. Marjoram

Marjoram is a less known remedy, but we can resort to it if we are looking for a plant that has a balancing effect on the body. We can take it in the form of an infusion or use it raw, as a condiment.

  • We recommend using the essential oil of marjoram to practice a gentle massage on the temples at any time of the day when we need it.
  • It can represent an instant remedy, to always carry with us.

6. Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba infusion to say goodbye to stress.


Ginkgo biloba helps us say goodbye to stress thanks to its remarkable effectiveness in improving cerebral circulation. In this sense, it improves attention, memory, concentration and psychological performance in general.

  • We can take this remedy in the form of an infusion or as a supplement for a period of 1 to 3 months.
  • After the first cycle we will have to take a break before resuming the treatment in case of need.

7. Hypericum

St. John’s wort is one of the best herbal remedies to reduce the impact of stress when this disorder also causes mild to moderate depression and discomfort. This way we can prevent this problem from getting worse.

  • We can take St. John’s wort or St. John’s wort in the form of an infusion or supplement.
  • There is also a vegetable oil in which this plant is macerated and which we can apply in case of bruises, burns and scars.

To conclude, it is important to underline one aspect. It is always good to consult a doctor to find out if it is convenient or not to take one of these remedies. Some of them, in fact, can interact with some medicine, in case we are already subjected to some treatment.

So, let’s not hesitate and first talk to a good professional. Stress is a condition that we can all keep under control, if we also have adequate support and good advice to follow.

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