7 Tricks To Clean Inaccessible Spaces In The House

When it comes to cleaning, the most important aspect is organization. It cleans from top to bottom to prevent dust from spreading throughout the house.  
7 tricks to clean inaccessible spaces in the house

House cleaning is not always an easy task. There are spaces that are more inaccessible than others and often cleaning them becomes an impossible task. For this reason, today we offer you various tricks to clean the house more easily and quickly.

What are you waiting for? Take note!

1. Tricks for cleaning the walls

tricks to clean the walls

Use the tools listed and clean the walls every two months.

To do this correctly, the best thing is to opt for suitable and water-soaked tools, since only in this way will you be able to really clean the walls.

And, if there is a miraculous trick, it is precisely that of resorting to water, since it is able to eliminate 90% of the dust.   

All you need is a damp cloth attached to a stick so that you can clean even the most inaccessible corners.

2. Clean from top to bottom

Even when cleaning, you need to know some techniques that are much more effective than others.

Precisely for this reason, it is better that you clean in a descending sense, that is from top to bottom. In this way,  the dust of a certain surface will not pass from one place to another in the house. 

You will also prevent cleaning from becoming an interminable process, achieving good results quickly and effectively.

3. Beware of filters and vents

woman doing cleaning

It is important that these areas are always flawless. Otherwise, however much you can clean the other areas of the house, it will always be full of dust,  as this substance accumulates in large quantities.

In supermarkets and specialized shops you will get the tools and products you need to be able to perfectly clean the smallest and most delicate areas.

From special toothbrushes to specific items.

4. Tricks for cleaning carpets

The best way to clean carpets is by using steam at least once a month. 

You will also have to vacuum every week: a quick action that will take little time and that will prevent the carpets from turning into the ideal place for the proliferation of mites.

In case you have to buy the rugs, or if you are thinking of changing them, the best thing will be to opt for models made of non-synthetic fabrics.  

These collect less dust.

5. Baby wipes: the best allies

Baby wipes can be great allies when doing housework.

They are useful both for eliminating dust and for removing it from garments, they do not stain and the result is guaranteed.

They can also be of great help if you need to clean your PC screen. Never miss it.

As you can see, they can be used for various purposes.

6. Get the vacuum cleaner everywhere

tricks for vacuum cleaning

The vacuum cleaner is one of the tools that cannot be missing when carrying out a thorough cleaning, but unfortunately it does not reach everywhere.

Nevertheless, with this simple trick, you will be able to vacuum even the most inaccessible corners.

Simply put a roll of toilet paper on the nozzle to vacuum,  which will allow you to reach the most difficult corners of the house and which, therefore, will certainly be dirtier and dusty.

7. Tricks for cleaning plants

ornamental plants in white pots

Even the plants must be cleaned if you do not want them to turn into a den of dust, which is harmful to our health and our respiratory system.

Plants are the lungs of the house, since they have the task of filtering the air from impurities and dust.  

To be able to clean them, you must always spray them with water. In this way, the air quality of your home will be better and, consequently, your health as well.

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