Coronavirus And Diabetes: What To Do?

Diabetes patients, as well as other risk groups, need to implement preventive measures appropriate to the current coronavirus situation. In this article we want to share some general recommendations.
Coronavirus and diabetes: what to do?

Due to the alarm caused by the coronavirus, many diabetes patients and those who care for them have had to take appropriate prevention measures. The COVID-19 pandemic is recent and there are many unknowns as to how it moves. Today we tell you what to do in case of coronavirus and diabetes. 

So far we do not have exact information on some aspects, such as the spread of the virus, its range of action, its pathophysiology. However, we were able to identify certain risk categories, such as the elderly, immunosuppressed people and diabetics.

Although the coronavirus (which causes COVID-19 infection) is a pathogen that does not cause a high mortality rate under normal conditions, the categories mentioned tend to have serious complications and face fatal implications. Here we want to highlight a particular case, or when coronavirus and diabetes are present at the same time.

In the following space we explain how to adopt efficient prevention strategies in case you suffer from diabetes and we give some dietary advice that can be useful to protect the health of these people.

Coronavirus prevention

To wash hands
One of the steps to take to prevent coronavirus is to wash your hands properly.

Diabetes patients, like everyone else, need to step up hand hygiene as a method of coronavirus prevention. Although the virus may remain active on some surfaces, experts say it is sensitive to soap, water and alcohol.

For this reason, washing our hands often and disinfecting the objects we touch often – including cell phones – seems to be essential. Furthermore, it is advisable not to leave the house to avoid contact with other people.

There are no indications that food can be a vector of contagion. Yet it is advisable to cook the dish completely to avoid possible risks.

Coronavirus and diabetes: how to intervene?

Going to the hospital is not a good idea, unless you have a severe symptom picture. For this reason, the best solution is to have the telephone numbers of the medical services handy.

Furthermore, it is essential to keep food products in the pantry to meet the needs of all tenants during the period of home isolation and until the period of infection of the virus is over. It is also necessary to be able to rely on blood glucose control tools, as well as on medicines suitable for regulating this parameter.

In the event that a diabetic contracts the disease, it is advisable to contact the healthcare professional immediately to know exactly how often to check the blood glucose values. It should be noted that no medication should be discontinued, unless the doctor directs it.

According to some experts, NSAIDs could complicate the course of the disease, but there are no scientific studies on this to prove the veracity of this statement. In any case, it is better to avoid self-medication and follow the advice of experts step by step.

Nutrition against inflammation and coronavirus

Fruits and vegetables for coronavirus and diabetes
Certain foods included in a healthy and balanced diet can be beneficial to patients with diabetes.

Coronavirus causes pneumonia that can damage an individual’s life. For this reason , nutrition will always aim to reduce inflammation. Scientific evidence has established that certain foods, such as garlic or cruciferous vegetables, exhibit anti-inflammatory characteristics. In light of this, its consumption in similar situations is recommended.

Recent studies suggest that turmeric can help prevent and improve the condition of some lung diseases. Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity, in fact, it becomes a great ally in the fight against the disease.

Diabetes and Coronavirus: Concluding Recommendations

Given the few data available to health care on this virus, it is essential to underline the extreme importance of prevention in the case of previous conditions of diabetes or other diseases. It is necessary to maintain the right hygiene as much as possible to avoid contagion, and not to leave the house, except for reasons of force majeure.

People who belong to risk categories are at greater risk of experiencing serious complications. After that, they need to have a clear idea of ​​what to do if they start showing symptoms of the disease. Following precise dietary advice could help improve symptoms, although there are no specific studies on this as it is an extremely recent disease.

To conclude, we must emphasize that it is essential to prevent the collapse of the health system. For this purpose, one should not go to the hospital except in cases of extreme necessity. You should notify the competent authorities if you start to notice symptoms or if you suspect that you have contracted the disease.

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