Simple Exercises To Do At Home To Shape The Body

It is very important to achieve a balance; in this way, if we are not used to physical exercise, we can adopt a complete workout without injury
Simple exercises to do at home to shape the body

Physical activity is essential for keeping fit and enjoying good health. But it is also essential if you want to shape your body and have healthy and beautiful shapes. Thanks to a few simple exercises, we will achieve the perfect balance between overweight and excessive thinness.

Find out in this article some simple exercises to shape the figure from head to toe. With this workout you can tone your upper and lower body.

You will get more defined muscles, less fat, more flexibility, less flaccidity and greater endurance, vitality and optimism.

Simple exercises to shape the body

Modeling the body with exercises to do at home

The training program we present is simple, but very effective. We can perform it at home at any time, and we will hardly need additional material. A mat or some weight can be useful if we want to increase the intensity (the weights can also be water bottles) and some music that helps us maintain energy.

We will decide the amount of reps , sets and intensity. Remember, however, to proceed step by step to avoid injury.

1. Squat


The squat is one of the classic exercises to shape your body. They are simple to make, require no tools and we can do them at any time. They are very effective for  strengthening and giving a beautiful shape to the buttocks, thighs and calves.

How to do squats?

  • To perform squats we will stand up and open our legs to the same height as the hips.
  • Gradually we will bend our knees and lower our buttocks towards the ground, as far as we can go, without lifting our feet from the ground.
  • We will always keep our backs straight.

2. Jumps

If in addition to toning the legs we need to eliminate fat, we will need to perform an aerobic exercise.  In this way we will also increase the resistance and respiratory capacity. An excellent way to achieve this is to perform several jumps.

  • A home exercise can be skipping rope. This simple exercise requires a great deal of energy.
  • Another option for those with joint problems can be the trampoline. We can easily find one to train at home. However, we must always keep in mind that you have to jump on your toes and not on your heels.

3. Plank

The central part of the body shows us if we are fit. It is common to accumulate fat in the abdomen, so we must not forget to work on this area. A good diet will also be essential to shape the figure, especially the waist.

The  plank is an intense and effective exercise to strengthen the abdomen:

  • We will lie on the ground face down and support the weight on the elbows and on the toes.
  • We will keep the body raised, parallel to the floor, without lifting the buttocks too much and with the abdomen contracted.

4. Pushups

Push ups

The classic push-ups are between simple exercises to prevent the tissues from losing tone and to have firm and beautiful breasts.

There are many variations, but the starting position is like that of the plank, but we can lean on the elbows or hands. We can also perform the exercise with only one arm and then with the other. It all depends on our resistance.

5. Back straight

To shape the figure we don’t just have to tone muscles and burn fat. Good posture is also essential. A beautiful body should not have a protruding chest or hunched back.

Some simple exercises help us to stretch the back.

  • We will lie on our stomach and wrap our arms around our knees.
  • We will perform a gentle swing from side to side to massage the spine.
  • We will leave the knees gathered to the side, on the ground, and we will look towards the opposite side as we stretch the arm horizontally. We will notice a large stretch on the opposite side of the back.
  • Then we will repeat on the other side.

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