Night Spasms: What To Do To Avoid Them?

To reduce nocturnal spasms as much as possible, it is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of your sleep hygiene. In this article we will talk about the causes of this nuisance and the best strategies to keep them under control.
Night spasms: what to do to avoid them?

Nocturnal spasms can lead to the awakening of both the sufferer and the partner. These reactions are usually preceded by an intense dream or hallucination. The most typical sensation is that of falling down stairs or into an abyss. Have you ever tried them?

In reality, nocturnal spasms are involuntary spasms that occur mainly between the waking state and sleep. They are also called myoclonic spasms or hypnic jolts. These are short but intense muscle spasms.

While they may be worrying and annoying, they are not really a major problem. In fact, they affect a large portion of the population.

Although the cause is not yet ascertained, some factors are known that favor its onset. We talk about it in the following lines.

Why do nocturnal spasms occur?

It is believed that the cause of nocturnal spasms lies in the preparation of the body for sleep. This is the time when the body slows down its functions, such as breathing and heartbeat; in addition, motor function also stops. This ensures that the body does not react and keeps itself safe.

Some theories argue that these spasms are an ancestral legacy. A study conducted by the University of Colorado (USA), directed by Coolidge, indicates that hypnic shocks could be a reflection of a misinterpretation of the brain during muscle relaxation in the early stages of sleep, as if it were a signal that in ancient times it warned our sleeping ancestors of the danger of falling from the tree.

This suggests that nocturnal spasms are the legacy of a defense mechanism. On the other hand, they can also be triggered by stimuli such as noise or light, according to the MSD Manual.

Sleeping when nervous.

What other factors can affect?

The rhythms of life in our society affect various aspects of health. In fact, sleep is one of the most affected, according to an article published by the Institute of Sleep in Madrid.

According to the experts of this institution, leading a hectic pace of life and sleeping a few hours can favor the onset of various diseases, especially cardiovascular, hormonal and immune diseases.

Similarly, these factors could lead to involuntary spasms, as many diseases predispose to their onset, according to a Mayo Clinic article . Finally, other factors seem to have an influence although they have not all been scientifically proven:

  • Anxiety and stress, as the study published in Therapeutics Advances in Neurological Disorders reports in detail .
  • Fatigue.
  • Sleep deprivation.
  • Consumption of caffeine ; the relationship between this factor and nocturnal spasms is widely discussed in a study published in Seizure.
  • Use of stimulant drugs.

Any problem that can impair relaxation before falling asleep can increase the onset of these spasms. Nicotine and even exercise are also believed to be involved, although there is a lack of further supporting evidence.

How to reduce nocturnal spasms?

Since nocturnal spasms appear to be related to anxiety or stress, the first step is to reduce the levels of these states. To do this, it is essential to change mentality and change some habits.

The daily routine can often be exhausting, but it is always good to stay calm, trying to see things in a less negative way can reduce the sense of constant anxiety.

Similarly, it is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle. Following a proper diet and regular moderate physical activity  are essential measures for achieving quality sleep.

Although the conclusions of a recent study published in Advances in Nutrition  are not definitive, it describes the relationship between healthy eating and the duration and quality of night’s rest.

The positive effects of physical activity are also reflected in the mental sphere. According to this research published in the Clinical Psychology Review , exercise contributes to lower levels of stress and anxiety.

In this sense, physical activities such as yoga or pilates, which promote relaxation and breathing, are both highly recommended options.

Benefits of pilates.

Further recommendations

Regarding nutrition, it is important to reduce the intake of caffeine since, as already mentioned, it is one of the factors that can trigger nocturnal spasms.

Similarly, it is advisable to quit smoking and eliminate toxic habits altogether. All the exciting substances can favor the onset of these spasms.

Finally, as Hauri (1991) suggests, it is necessary to set up a healthy sleep hygiene. Try to organize your day in such a way that you have at least eight hours to devote to rest. Don’t take your problems to bed; thoughts that haunt the mind also affect sleep.

Improve health through sleep

Night spasms are nothing to worry about. However, when they interfere excessively with the quality of sleep, it is advisable to try to improve your habits.

Lifestyle is crucial when it comes to sleep. However, if you believe that the spasms are due to some complication beyond these factors, do not hesitate to consult your doctor to dispel any doubts and prevent more serious problems.

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