Quinoa With Apple And Cinnamon: All The Benefits For Breakfast

In addition to being an ideal meal for energy, the combination of quinoa with apple and cinnamon maintains the feeling of satiety until lunchtime and also the ideal weight.
Quinoa with apple and cinnamon: all the benefits for breakfast

Eating quinoa with apple and cinnamon for breakfast is a must-try solution. It is not only a delicious combination, but the body benefits greatly from it.

The truth is, there are so many ways to make quinoa. It is as versatile as it is miraculous when it comes to taking care of health and is almost calorie-free, which is very important.

Let’s not forget that it is a food that is very fashionable nowadays, a basic ingredient of many vegan diets, used in both sweet and savory preparations.

Today, we want to go further. We want to offer you quinoa for breakfast along with apple and cinnamon. You will love it and after a few weeks you will notice big changes.

Below we will explain how to prepare this recipe.

Benefits of quinoa with apple and cinnamon

What do you usually have breakfast with? If you are one of those who drink coffee and eat one of those industrial snacks, then it’s time to change your habit.

We are sure you all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, statistics tell us that in the United States, for example, a large part of the population does not give breakfast the importance it deserves.

We need to start the day with a good supply of energy. This means that we must not exclude proteins and unsaturated fats from our breakfast.

We cannot forget that the organ that most needs energy at this time of day is the brain.

So, don’t hesitate – this combination has great benefits. Take note of everything it can do for you.

Quinoa for breakfast


Quinoa is one of the most famous foods in the world. It is gluten-free, provides a good dose of protein and is one of the few ingredients of plant origin that contains the 9 essential amino acids.

  • Quinoa is rich in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E, and other antioxidants.
  • If you choose carefully the foods to combine it with, quinoa can be the best food for breakfast.
  • 100 grams of quinoa contains 27 grams of fiber, which helps fight constipation.
  • Plus, quinoa is great for losing weight. This quinoa, apple and cinnamon breakfast has a high satiating power, allows you to control blood sugar levels and helps to gradually eliminate belly fat.

Apples, perfect for breakfast

If you combine quinoa with apples, you will take care of heart health. You can choose green or red apples, whichever variety you prefer. All of them help prevent arteriosclerosis.

In addition, you will be able to prevent diabetes and even the risk of stroke, control your blood sugar level and get a good energy supply.

So if you find it boring to have breakfast with just one serving of fruit, you will love this solution.

It is also a great alternative for children and the elderly, as apples are one of the healthiest foods for a good breakfast.

Cinnamon, the essence of health


Do you have high cholesterol problems? Are blood sugar levels also high? Then try adding a pinch of cinnamon to the quinoa and apple combination.

Another reason why cinnamon is worth adding is that it improves digestion. It allows you to control your appetite until lunchtime and fight premature aging.

Don’t forget that cinnamon adds a wonderful flavor to your dishes.

How to make a quinoa, apple and cinnamon breakfast


As we have advised you on several occasions, make sure the ingredients come from organic farming.

As far as quinoa and apple are concerned, this is essential, because in this way you will be able to enjoy their natural properties.

Make a note of the ingredients you will need:


  • ½ cup of cooked quinoa (100 grams)
  • 1 glass of oat milk (200 ml)
  • 1 apple
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon (5 g)
  • A teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)


  • First of all wash the apple well, peel it and cut it into small pieces, after removing the core.
  • Put it in the blender and blend it.
  • As an alternative to apple puree you can finely chop it, according to your tastes.
  • The next step is very simple. In a bowl, place the warm oat milk, the chopped apple, the cinnamon and the honey.
  • Mix well until you get a homogeneous mixture. It is very simple to prepare, as long as the quinoa is already cooked.

What are you waiting for to try this recipe? Eat it for breakfast twice a week. You will see how you will feel better!

It is delicious!

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