Strengthen The Lumbar Muscles With Simple Exercises

In addition to strengthening the lower back, with these exercises we will also get many other additional benefits, so it is advisable to include them in our daily routine to get the most out of them.
Strengthen your lower back with simple exercises

Pain in the lower back is much more frequent than we think, due to our daily habits (which involve bad postures at work, for example). In this article we present some exercises to strengthen the lower back and stop experiencing disabling pain.

Lower back pain

Adults suffer from numerous consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. One of these is lower back or lumbar pain.

The discomfort is caused by the tension accumulated  by the lack of mobility and the poor development of the muscles.

If this part of your body hurts, you should avoid spending many hours sitting, for example in front of the computer. Try to get up and take a tour of the office perhaps while having a coffee or talking on your cell phone.

  • Having a comfortable chair that is not too soft is also essential for maintaining good posture.
  • When you have to lift some weight off the ground, you don’t have to make the mistake of tilting your torso or concentrating all the effort on your back. We recommend that you bend over with your knees bent.
  • Do not sleep on a mattress that is too soft and try to sleep face up by  putting a pillow under your knees.

Exercises to strengthen the lower back

Although physical activity is very important, for these exercises it is not necessary to join a gym. You can do the exercises to strengthen your lower back at home, when you come home from work or from your daily errands.

1. Raise the bust

Woman in the gym lifting torso off the ground
  • Lie on your stomach on a mat or towel.
  • Extend your legs well and put your arms back (leave them over your buttocks).
  • Raise your head and torso up to “detach” them from the floor  or as much as you can.
  • Maintain the posture for a few seconds and go down.

A variation of this exercise is known as “the cobra” and consists of placing the palms of the hands at shoulder height and then extending the arms. Tilt your head back for greater effectiveness.

2. Flexion of the knees

This exercise is very relaxing and has various benefits such as strengthening the lower back.

  • Lie on your stomach and bring your knees to your chest.
  • Take them in your arms as if to form a ball.
  • Apply some pressure and move your legs  to the sides like a pendulum.
  • Then extend your right leg and apply pressure only to the left using your hands.
  • After 30 seconds, switch sides.

3. Lifting the pelvis

Woman lifting pelvis

Even if you don’t believe it, this exercise also serves to strengthen the lower back, because it strengthens the back in general.

  • Lie on your stomach on the mat, flex your legs and place your feet on the ground. The arms must remain at the sides of the body.
  • Raise your pelvis slightly until your back is completely off the floor. The idea is that the head, shoulders and arms  (in addition to the feet) remain supported .
  • Go down slowly.

Once you have done this exercise several times, you can add a weight on the abdomen.

4. Position of the cat

It is often used in yoga and is ideal for strengthening the lower back.

  • Rest your knees and palms on the ground.
  • Arch your back up and “hide your head” between your shoulders.
  • Then, do the reverse movement: head back and back down.

As in the previous exercise, after practicing it several times, you can add a weight (for example, a disc) on your back.

5. Isometric exercises

Isometric exercises

Another excellent option for strengthening your lower back and training every part of your back, abs and arms.

  • Lie on your stomach on the mat and lift your legs (from the knees down) and arms off the floor.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and then rest.

A second execution can be to alternate the movement, in other words raise the right leg and the left arm and then backwards.

6. Prayer position

If you are suffering from tremendous back pain, this stretch can be quite helpful.

  • Get on your knees on the ground and lower your torso until your forehead touches the floor.
  • Extend your arms above your head and rest your palms.
  • The buttocks must rest above the heels.

7. Cross elongation

Cross elongation
  • Lie on your stomach and straighten your legs.
  • Cross the right leg over the left one. Then slightly lift your lower back.
  • Extend your right arm and try to get your right knee to touch the floor for the twist to be more effective.

An alternative to this exercise is to cross one leg over the other and place the sole of the foot on the ground.

8. Reverse lifts

This exercise is ideal for strengthening the lower back and preventing it from hurting due to poor posture or habits, as well as improving balance.

  • Rest your knees on the ground. Then the palms of the hands. Extend your arms.
  • Raise your right (straight) leg, and at the same time raise your left arm straight out.
  • Lower them both and do the same thing on the reverse side.
  • Remember that the movements must be slow to avoid falling on either side.

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