Chronic Diseases And Nutrition: What To Eat?

Chronic diseases are not easy to manage, but the right diet can help us. We talk about it in this space, don’t miss our tips!
Chronic diseases and nutrition: what to eat?

Chronic diseases are not curable and, therefore, last over time. Very often the pathophysiology, the triggering causes or even the possible solution are ignored.

This does not mean that it is impossible to intervene on the symptoms and make life easier for those who suffer from them. For example, proper nutrition is extremely useful in this regard. The goal of the diet in this case is to calm inflammation, oxidative stress and pain.

For this purpose it will provide foods rich in phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is equally important to limit the foods responsible for inflammatory processes.

Anti-inflammatory foods in case of chronic disease

Omega 3 fatty acids are among the nutrients that cannot be missing in the diet in case of chronic disease. These lipids help reduce markers of inflammation in the body and improve the individual’s lipid profile, according to an article published in the journal Biochemical Society Transactions .

We can obtain these fats thanks to foods such as oily fish, raw vegetable oils, seeds and avocados. They should be consumed often to ensure their regulatory effect  on inflammatory response mechanisms.

Foods that offer omega 3.
Sources of Omega 3 calm the inflammation of the body.

Phytonutrients to relieve pain in chronic diseases

Phytonutrients are complex elements capable of intervening in the treatment of chronic diseases. These are organic substances found mainly in vegetables.

They calm inflammation and reduce oxidative stress, according to the results of the study published in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity . Phytonutrients slow down cell damage, thus preventing aging.

They also intervene on the physiological pathways responsible for the regulation of pain and sensitivity of the nervous system. For this reason they are particularly important in the management of chronic diseases.

In light of the many benefits offered by these substances, it is highly advisable to regularly include foods of plant origin in the diet.

Potentially useful supplements

Melatonin is an example. This hormone has the task of regulating circadian cycles and improving the quality of rest. It has remarkable antioxidant properties and is associated with the prevention of metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders.

In addition to this, it calms the pain in case of chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia, even if high dosages will be administered for the latter.

Probiotics are another group of very useful supplements, as microbiota health is associated with improvement in chronic and complex diseases. To reduce the risk of intestinal dysbiosis, we can use probiotic and prebiotic supplements. In this way, the bacterial variety of the flora will improve and, with it, our state of health.

The intestinal flora protects health.
Protecting the microbiota is of fundamental importance in the treatment of chronic diseases, especially gastrointestinal ones.

Eat better to treat chronic diseases

Chronic pathologies have no cure, but it is possible to follow a drug and food treatment to improve one’s health conditions.

As for the diet, it is necessary to insist on the consumption of foods with a known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action. These products reduce pain perception and cell damage.

On the other hand, we can resort to food supplements. Some, such as melatonin or probiotics, help prevent these diseases and regulate severe symptoms of chronicity and pain. However, it is essential to choose the right product.

Before taking a supplement, it is advisable to undergo a specialist examination, so that the doctor can determine if consumption is indicated and indicate how to administer it.

Remember that a varied and balanced diet, combined with the practice of regular physical activity, is the best tool to prevent the development of diseases. A healthy lifestyle is the secret to leading a daily life in the name of health and well-being.

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