Mistakes To Avoid With Babies: 8 Unhealthy Habits

Being a parent is a complex task, so it is important to know the mistakes to avoid with newborns. With a lot of love and patience, you will be able to successfully fulfill your new role
Mistakes to Avoid With Babies: 8 Unhealthy Habits

When a woman becomes pregnant, she receives a great deal of advice from other more experienced mothers, and even from grandmothers. However, this does not mean that they are all right. This is why it is important to know the mistakes to avoid with newborns.  

It is true that being a first-time mother is a difficult task, but not an impossible one. With the proper information, support and practice, you can ensure your children have adequate development. Below we introduce you to the pitfalls to avoid with newborns .  

Mistakes to avoid with newborns

1. Let them cry for a long time

There will be times when you will be very busy, but  remember that the little ones need your constant attention and if they go out of their way to communicate with you, it is because they need you to pay attention to them. Only through crying can they express their needs.

Letting them cry for a long time can be dangerous. The newborn will feel distressed and this could increase his or her stress level, leading to addiction, insecurity and possible damage to his emotional and intellectual development.

Baby crying

By always listening and communicating with your children, you will make them safer. You will avoid self-esteem problems by allowing them to adapt efficiently to society.

2. Put them on their stomachs to make them fall asleep

In the past it was believed that putting babies to bed on their stomachs  would be useful to induce them to expel intestinal gas and avoid the risk of asphyxiation due to regurgitation. While today it is known that it is this habit that increases the risk of death due to asphyxiation. Putting them to bed face up is the best way to avoid unnecessary risks.

3. Leave them alone without paying attention

Among the serious mistakes to avoid with newborns is the idea that they will not move if left alone. Newborns soon develop the ability to roll over and can get hurt.

When parents leave the baby alone in the crib or bed, it is easy for the baby to fall over. If he stands unprotected and at a considerable height, he can turn over and fall, causing serious injury.

4. Shake them

It is possible that the parents, in play, trying to calm the crying baby, shake him. And sometimes it works. But it is important to know that it can cause irreversible damage.

Baby safe

Shaking babies can cause Shaken Baby Syndrome, a trauma in which the brain moves back and forth in the skull. It can cause damage such as:

  • Contusion and hemorrhage
  • Blindness
  • Hearing loss and speech disorders
  • Neck damage
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Death

5. Physical punishments

If you think your babies are misbehaving, you shouldn’t slap them on the buttocks or hand. You will need to look them in the eye and speak in a firm voice. Punishing them physically could make them aggressive  and have low self-esteem.

Equally important, the little one may not feel comfortable in the presence of their parents, with consequences such as low intellectual performance and poor motivation to learn new things.

6. Do not insist on having intestinal gases expelled

It is important to insist that the baby burp to expel the intestinal gas that is generated after eating. Not doing so, the baby may suffer from colic from the air and will have a hard time falling asleep or, if he is sleeping, he may wake up from the pain.

7. Feed them with various foods

Feeding the bottle to the baby

Among the mistakes to avoid with newborns is to feed them with foods other than breast milk or the formulas prescribed by the doctor. The baby’s digestive system hasn’t developed yet, so feeding him more could cause allergies and intolerances.

8. Allow them to be in contact with bacteria and viruses

Never pick up or touch a baby when your hands are dirty. It is important to wash your hands several times a day to avoid spreading bacterial or viral diseases.

It is equally important to avoid coming into contact with people who exhibit mild symptoms of the flu or cold. If infected, serious consequences such as pneumonia, bronchiolitis and other severe breathing problems could occur.


It is advisable to ask your pediatrician for advice whenever you have doubts about the mistakes to avoid with newborns. In this way you will be able to clarify the discordant information.

If you feel concerned about the kind of care your children need, don’t be afraid to ask for help from those with more experience. But remember that what matters is to give them as much love as possible and make your little ones feel that you will always be there for them.

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