Eliminate Sty With Natural Herbs

Not sure how to speed up the healing of the sty? Today we will discover some natural herbal options.
Eliminate the sty with natural herbs

Styes are acute inflammation caused by an infection that causes pain, tenderness and edema in the eyelid. Today we will discover some herbal solutions to eliminate sty, a ailment that is good to get rid of as soon as possible.

Although the sty is typically mild and heals on its own, on certain occasions it can cause complications and severe discomfort. In these cases we can resort to some medicinal plants. In this article we propose 4 natural herbs to eliminate styes, to be used in conjunction with the treatment indicated by the doctor.

4 natural herbs to eliminate styes

Sty is caused by bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus. In case of blepharitis, poor hygiene of the face (for example not removing make-up from the eyes before going to sleep) or of the hands, it is easy to suffer from this ailment. Let’s see together the herbs to eliminate a sty.

1. Euphrasia

Euphrasia against the sty
This plant has antimicrobial properties that help eliminate bacterial infection.

This plant is considered a very good option for speeding up healing from sty. The reasons why it is so effective are the following:

  • Relieves eye irritation.
  • It acts directly on the mucosa.
  • It has an astringent action.
  • It possesses antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

It is possible to use euphrasia on the eyes in the form of an infusion. Once ready, you need to dip a sterile gauze in it and make a compress to apply on closed eyelids for 5 minutes. We can also use the infusion to wash the eyes thoroughly.

2. Celandine

Celandine is another herb recommended for curing styes. This plant has very beneficial properties capable of reducing swelling and favoring the disappearance of the sty in a few days.

  • Celandine possesses antiviral properties.
  • It acts as an antibacterial.
  • Helps to deflate the eyelids.

As in the previous case, the best way to use this herb is to make an infusion. Then, you will need to dip a gauze in it and create a compress to place on the sty.

Care must be taken not to apply the gauze on the eyes with too hot liquid to avoid possible burns.

3. Calendula

Marigold flowers to eliminate sty
Marigold flowers have a calming effect that helps reduce inflammation of the sty.

Calendula can be of great help in curing styes. Among its characteristics and properties, we can highlight:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Great healing power.
  • It is an antibacterial herb.

All of this makes calendula essential for eliminating styes. The best way to take advantage of all its properties is to prepare a poultice to apply on the eye. To achieve this, you must first prepare a normal infusion with calendula leaves.

When the water boils, place the flowers in cheesecloth, dip them in water and cover with the lid. Finally, apply the poultice to the sty for 5-10 minutes with your eyes closed.

4. Green tea

The last option for curing styes is green tea. It is an infusion that we all probably have at home and whose properties are not only beneficial for our health, but also for our skin.

The properties of green tea come, in part, from polyphenols, organic molecules that give this plant some of the following properties that will help us eliminate the sty:

  • Antivirals.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Anti allergic.

It is important to apply this remedy as a compress or poultice, as we have seen above. Also, we have to be patient and do it once a day.

Other tips to prevent and eliminate styes

Remove make-up from the face
Proper facial cleansing helps prevent follicles from clogging and styes from developing.

In addition to applying these natural remedies to speed up the healing of the sty, there are some tips to keep in mind. These will be especially useful if the sty shows up frequently.

Maybe you don’t give the right importance to getting your makeup off properly before going to sleep. On the contrary, this is an essential habit because, you may not know it, but eyeshadow and especially mascara can make sty appear. Besides that, it is essential to use products suitable for the eyes.

Likewise, be careful when touching your eyes with your hands. We don’t always have clean hands and this can favor the appearance of the annoying sty.

If despite the above remedies the sty continues to recur frequently, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. He will advise you on the best way to find out the source of the problem.

Do you often have the sty? Is it mild or, on the contrary, does it cause noticeable swelling on the eyelids? Hopefully these herbal remedies can help you, but remember that removing makeup every night before bed and washing your hands before touching your eyes is key to preventing it.

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