Prevent Wrinkles On The Hands With 5 Natural Treatments

Since the skin of the hands is thinner, it requires precise care so that it does not show early signs of aging and, therefore, wrinkles and other early imperfections.
Prevent wrinkles on the hands with 5 natural treatments

Aesthetic treatments to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the hands are essential, as they prevent skin aging.

Although many women take more care of their faces against the passage of time, more and more are looking for products to keep their hands soft and beautiful.

Although some of us are unaware of it, the skin on our hands is more delicate than that of other parts of the body, and because they are continually exposed to the sun and toxins, they easily develop blemishes and wrinkles at a young age.

The good news is that there are many treatments of natural origin  that, without causing adverse effects, offer a plus of nutrition to the skin so as to counteract aggression.

On this occasion we want to share with you 5 valid options to include in your beauty routine.

You will love them!

Natural remedies to prevent wrinkles on the hands

1. Aloe vera and coconut oil treatment

Aloe vera and coconut oil cream against wrinkles on the hands

Both aloe vera gel and coconut oil have powerful moisturizing and repairing agents that improve the appearance of the skin on the hands.

Their application with a natural cream is an interesting and inexpensive way to reduce the spots, wrinkles and other signs of aging that develop easily in the hands.


  • 5 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (75 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g)


  • Combine both ingredients in the blender and work them until you get a smooth cream.
  • Once obtained, take the necessary amount and spread it on the hands until completely absorbed.
  • Leave it on overnight and apply it every day.

2. Cocoa butter and castor oil treatment

By combining the moisturizing properties of cocoa butter with the antioxidants of castor oil, we obtain a complete treatment with which to nourish and regenerate the delicate skin of the hands.

Its active compounds increase collagen levels and avoid problems such as flaccidity and fine wrinkles.


  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa butter (45 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of castor oil (15 g)


  • Melt the cocoa butter in a double boiler and, once liquid, add the castor oil.
  • Let the treatment rest and, after it has acquired a creamy consistency, spread it on your hands.
  • Make sure it absorbs well and repeat the application up to twice a day

3. Banana and honey treatment

Banana and honey mask against wrinkles on the hands

A natural banana and honey mask is an affordable and healthy solution to protect your hands from toxins and UV rays from the sun.

Its moisturizing action reduces the presence of wrinkles and blemishes in the hands.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • Mash a very ripe banana and, after obtaining a puree, mix it with two tablespoons of honey.
  • Spread the treatment on both hands and let it act between 30 and 40 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water and repeat its use 3 times a week.

4. Strawberry and milk treatment

The antioxidant properties of strawberries and the lactic acid of milk come together in this natural treatment to offer us a great ally to protect and soften the skin of the hands.

Its regular application reduces the flaccidity of the skin and, consequently, cleans it of dead cells and protects it from aging.


  • 5 ripe strawberries
  • 5 tablespoons of milk (50 ml)


  • Combine the ingredients in the blender and work them until the mixture is thick and creamy.
  • Apply the mask on your hands and leave for half an hour.
  • Rinse with cold water and apply at least three times a week.

5. Treatment with avocado and olive oil to prevent wrinkles on the hands

Avocado and olive oil mask to prevent wrinkles on the hands

The fatty acids contained in this natural treatment are an excellent complement to keep the skin of the hands young and soft.

These nutrients, added to vitamin E and antioxidants, offer a protective barrier against the chemicals and toxins that, in general, are the cause of premature aging.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)


  • Mash a ripe avocado and, after obtaining a thick mixture, mix it with the olive oil.
  • Take the product with your hands and spread it out until it is completely covered.
  • Wait 30 minutes and then rinse.
  • Apply it at least three times a week for good results.

Do you want to try them? Prepare the recipe that appeals to you the most and apply it regularly to keep your hands young and healthy.

However, remember to combine your chosen treatment with the daily application of a moisturizer and sunscreen.

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