The Habit Of Snoring: Annoyance And Health Hazard

The habit of snoring is a very annoying disorder and does not allow you to rest well. Let’s see causes and tips to solve the problem
The habit of snoring: annoyance and health hazard

The habit of snoring is much more than a nocturnal annoyance that prevents you from getting to sleep. If your partner snores too, you may not know what to do, what remedy to suggest or how to make him stop making that annoying noise that doesn’t make you sleep.

Snoring is often spoken of as a male characteristic, but did you know that sleep apnea is common among women too ? It is a very common and at the same time dangerous reality, not to be overlooked.

Many women go to bed in anguish because they are afraid of annoying their partner, aware that sleep apnea determines the inability to rest properly, irritability and morning headaches. What can you do to get rid of this annoying sleep disorder that is the habit of snoring ?

The habit of snoring in everyday life

At least 20% of the Russian population overnight. And, as you know, it is also a reason for quarrel between couples, especially if one of the two does not admit it or, even knowing it, avoids giving excessive importance to a problem that he considers a simple nighttime annoyance.

Those who snore loudly and do it every night get up tired, but that’s not all: they often experience headaches, physical discomfort, irritability, stress, increased blood pressure.

These are all realities that can lead to much more serious illnesses if you don’t seek help, because you have to understand that snoring is not a normal thing that everyone does.

What causes snoring habit?

Sleep apnea
  • Snoring is a sign of something happening inside our body. When we snore, we lose a certain amount of energy and this affects our daily life. In fact, many doctors define this ailment as “internal fever”, that is, they consider it an indicator of health.
  • This disorder is due to a narrowing of the airways towards the lungs, as a result of which less oxygen enters and the body goes into hypoxia. Since not enough air enters, a vibration is produced, responsible for the annoying noise.

If, at any time, air stopped entering, the body would “stop breathing” for a short period of time. This phenomenon is known as “sleep apnea”.

  • Generally, the causes of snoring boil down mainly to sleep apnea. However, among the triggering factors, we also remember the presence of polyps, the anatomy of the nasal septum or palate or the presence of allergies.

If snoring is a constant habit for you, then see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

  • Sleep apnea is not just any disorder. Keep in mind that the lungs stop receiving oxygen and that the brain has to order the respiratory muscles to make more effort to get air, hence the loud and sudden snoring.

If sleep apnea becomes chronic over time, it could lead to hypertension, heart failure, type 2 diabetes, and even increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. Do not forget that the body, brain and heart stop receiving oxygen for a few seconds – this is serious.

Tips to reduce nighttime snoring

The habit of snoring

First, there is one aspect to clarify: snoring is a symptom of something wrong. It is not the same to snore for a week because of a cold or an allergy and to snore all the time, both at night and after lunch, during a nap.

Always consult your doctor if you or your partner have been snoring for a long time. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, you must strictly follow the medical instructions that will be prescribed for you.

At this point, even if you snore occasionally and don’t make too much noise, it won’t hurt to follow these simple tips. Take note:

  • Keep your weight under control, because obesity is one of the causes of night snoring.
  • If you are a smoker, give up this habit immediately. Airway obstruction can be a consequence of smoking, which is also responsible for coughing and malaise.
  • Always sleep side by side. A simple technique to get used to this position is to put, or sew, a tennis ball on the back of the pajamas. In this way, when you get on your stomach, you will feel the discomfort of the tennis ball and you will settle on your side.
  • Try to stick to a schedule regarding nutrition and time to go to bed. Routine is good for the health of the body.


  • Keep your body hydrated throughout the day. Drink plenty of water and use physiological solutions to decongest the nose if necessary. The nasal mucous membranes will not be as dry and you will not snore.
  • Change the pillow case regularly. Sometimes, the buildup of mites can trigger allergies or dry out the airways. It is worth bearing in mind.

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