Why Do We Cough And How Many Types Of Cough Are There?

Cough is a defense mechanism that serves to get rid of external agents present in the respiratory system. In some cases it responds to more complex phenomena such as infections or other pathologies.
Why do we cough and how many types of cough are there?

Have you ever wondered why we cough? It is a symptom common to all mammals and is therefore also present in humans. It is estimated that 23% of people, smokers or not, have coughing episodes when they get up in the morning, with or without expectoration.

Adults also catch colds two or three times a year, accompanied in 75% of cases by cough. Still speaking of percentages, 13% of the population suffers from chronic cough, or coughs habitually even without a cold.

Coughing is a reflex act. It can correspond to a symptom of a disease, but often it is not. In general, it is a useful mechanism to expel the particles that irritate the airways. 

What is cough and why do we cough?

The first aspect to clarify is that it is a defense mechanism of our body in front of external agents. We cough to clear the airways, to expel foreign particles or bodies. 

The act of coughing is defined as a sudden and explosive maneuver that occurs in three stages. In the first we open the glottis by inhaling. In the second we contract the respiratory muscles. In the third, we expel the air held in the lungs with a sudden opening of the glottis.

Cough receptors are found mainly in the lower airways. These include the larynx, trachea and bronchi. They are also found in the nose, sinuses, ear canal, pleura, diaphragm, and even the pericardium and stomach.

Woman with cough
Cough is a defense mechanism of the body. It is often not a symptom of disease or infection.

Types of cough

There are different types of cough and only some of them are grounds for medical examination. Broadly speaking, this reflex can be divided into productive and non-productive cough.

The first is the so-called fat cough, accompanied by phlegm or mucus. The appearance of the mucus is an important clinical element. Non-productive cough, on the other hand, is a dry cough without phlegm. It causes itching, irritation and many times a sore throat. There is also an intermediate type of cough in which phlegm is present but cannot be completely expelled.

Based on the duration, the cough is classified as acute or chronic. It is considered acute when it does not exceed three weeks, chronic when it extends beyond three to four weeks. The latter is usually accompanied by irritation of the trachea or larynx.

Finally, there are convulsive and psychogenic coughs. The first is violent, very contagious and dangerous in babies less than six months old. The second is a psychosomatic cough, which usually appears when you are very nervous.

Why do we cough? The main causes

Cough is a general symptom linked to several causes. Most of the time it is not a serious problem and it solves itself. When it is severe or other symptoms are present, it is best to see a doctor instead. Let’s see the main reasons why coughing occurs.

Environmental stimuli

A very smoky or dusty environment causes the classic coughs. This also happens because of the mites. If the cough is persistent, it may be a chronic or seasonal allergy. Changes in temperature can also induce coughing.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammation of the airways obstructs the passage of air and can cause cough or pain. This is what happens with classic colds or with more serious diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, lung cancer, fibrosis, etc.

Woman with respiratory crisis and inhaler
Bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases are the main causes of cough.

Other diseases we cough for

Disorders of the throat, nose, ear, and ear canal can cause coughing. Another related disorder is gastroesophageal reflux. A cough that significantly worsens can also be a sign of congestive heart failure.


Some drugs, such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors), used frequently in the treatment of hypertension, have cough as a side effect.


Chronic cough is common among smokers. The fact that it is habitual or chronic does not mean that it is “normal “. Also in this case it is better to undergo periodic medical check-ups.

Finally, psychogenic factors such as anxiety or nervousness should be mentioned. In any case, coughing is always a symptom not to be ignored.

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