Getting Rid Of Acne In 6 Easy Steps

Introducing good lifestyle habits and putting the right measures into practice can greatly contribute to skin health and acne relief.
Get rid of acne in 6 simple steps

Would you like to get rid of facial acne and show cleaner, brighter-looking skin? In this case, you will have to intervene on some lifestyle habits, step by step. To help you, we are going to share some interesting facts with you below.

Before proceeding, it must be remembered that acne is a real cosmetic problem, because it often affects a considerable part for most people: the face. This is why people affected by this problem feel the urgent need to seek out options to eliminate it.

To eliminate acne you need to know what the causes are, what factors are involved in the episode and its spread, as well as other aspects. Ready to find out? Let’s see it together!

What is acne and why does it appear?

According to Dr. Ramón Grimalt Santacana, acne is one of the most common skin disorders. In particular, it is “an inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit”, characterized by the formation of pimples, papules, pustules, nodules and scars.

Although the exact cause is unknown, it actually occurs because the sebaceous glands work too much. The result is an accumulation of fat, dead cells and bacteria on the skin. This leads as a consequence to inflammation of the hair bulb and of the sebaceous glands themselves.

Tips for eliminating acne

To get rid of acne as quickly as possible, most people resort to a variety of home remedies and over-the-counter products, such as grocery store masks.

However, this option is not the most suitable, since in order to exploit the potential of the products and appreciate their benefits, it is necessary to know the type of skin, its needs and its particularities, and only a dermatologist can perform a thorough examination.

As soon as the specialist has given precise indications, then it will be possible to put into practice the measures we are about to describe. In short, these are really simple measures, which contribute to the health of the skin, favoring the improvement of acne.

1. Hydrate yourself

Drink water

Water is fundamental for the life of the organism from many points of view, since it helps it to carry out its functions normally. Precisely for this reason it is recommended to drink it every day, in sufficient quantities. And in this regard, the two liters are not mandatory to have good hydration.

Based on age, gender, lifestyle, health status, and other factors, a person may need to drink one, one and a half liters or two of water. Precisely for this reason it is important to identify the doses necessary for our skin to appear healthier.

2. Check your eating habits

Diet affects skin health. Fresh foods, such as fruits and vegetables, nourish the skin and make it more beautiful, as they are rich in different nutrients. On the other hand, those based on sugars, flours, refined oils or saturated fats have the opposite effect on the skin.

Sugary cereals, pasta, sweets, chocolate, cookies and similar products are always present in our diet. All these products are addictive, which is why it is so difficult to get rid of them.

However, it is good to focus on some health ailments that a diet so rich in these products can cause:

  • Excess fat in the skin
  • The unwanted appearance of acne
  • Increase in insulin levels
  • Alteration in androgen production

3. Avoid wearing makeup every day

We know that the idea of ​​leaving the house without makeup may seem impossible to you. Yet almost all women use it, at least occasionally.

Although makeup is ideal for enhancing facial features, applying it every day – and doing it in large quantities – can damage skin health.

  • Choose good quality products, following the dermatologist’s instructions.
  • Opt for products suitable for acne sufferers, as they contain specific properties and offer benefits with each application.
  • Neutral soaps are not ideal, as the skin’s normal pH is acidic. For this reason, skin products must be as close to the normal pH of the skin as possible.
  • Take off your make-up and cleanse your face well before going to sleep. Never go to sleep with your face made up.
  • Consider the option not to wear makeup for at least a couple of days a week.

4. Carry out proper facial hygiene

To get rid of acne and keep the skin soft and free of impurities, there is nothing better than following good hygiene. This is why it is important to wash your face with warm water and mild soap.  

Girl looks in the mirror
It is not necessary to wash your face continuously, but it is to try to maintain the frequent washing recommended by the dermatologist.

To remove make-up, apply a soft cream suitable for your skin type. Do not forget to always remove makeup residues at the end of the day with a clean towel, patting the skin gently. In this way you will avoid any residual grease and consequent irritation.

It is also good to exfoliate the skin at least once a week. While there are various options on the market, we recommend making one based on papaya, rose water, or yogurt.

5. Get enough sleep

Sleeping at least 7 hours a day gives the body the rest it needs, while helping to detoxify the skin for 8 hours. Did you know that when we sleep our excretory system works the most? This is why cleansing is necessary in the morning.

A good rest will help you, for example, to prevent the unwanted appearance of dark circles and to preserve the health and beauty of the skin.

In case you can’t sleep 7 hours a night, try to take small naps during the day. These naps should last between 20 minutes and 40 minutes.

6. Check the medications you are taking

Yet some cases of acne are not due to lack of rest or poor nutrition, but are the side effect of some medicines. Especially the ones that most frequently cause acne are birth control pills.

Before you stop taking contraceptives, it is very important that you consult your doctor. Sometimes acne appears only during the first few weeks, when the body is getting used to it. After that, once the body gets used to the drug, it disappears on its own.

If your acne does not subside over the weeks, contact your doctor for alternative medication. This could be a possible solution to prevent acne from becoming a problem.

Don’t forget to follow the routine to get rid of acne

Facial toner


Never give up. In fact, many people give up on the fight against acne. Don’t do it too. As you can see, with good lifestyle habits, you can have healthier skin. The results certainly take time, but after a while you will notice noticeable improvements.

What else to do to get rid of acne?

The best thing to do to get rid of acne is to go to a dermatologist to find out what options are right for you. Keep in mind that the professional is not only there to evaluate your skin type, but also to inform you about its peculiarities, what should be done and what not.

To this end, if you have any doubts about how to take care of your skin, always contact your dermatologist before applying any type of product, even if it is a home remedy.

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