3 Medicinal Infusions To Cleanse The Colon

Here are some natural remedies to cleanse your colon and feel good about your body
3 medicinal infusions to cleanse the colon

How is your digestion normally? Do you have gas problems and have you taken a lot of medicines? Do you feel tired? Have you gained weight in the past few months for no apparent reason? Sometimes, we neglect the health of our intestines and, as a result, many problems appear associated with what we did not foresee at the beginning and we are forced to take medicines.

It is not unusual for many people to overlook the final part of the intestine, called the colon, which has important functions: to hydrate, store residues and synthesize vitamins. It is therefore important to follow some basic rules regarding nutrition, in order to purify and at the same time strengthen a vital organ such as the intestine.

With this article we want to share with you some simple natural remedies to cleanse the colon and intestines. How? Thanks to some medicinal plants that should never be missing in your kitchen. Take note!

Infusion of artichoke and ginger

Medicinal artichoke infusions

This combination of ingredients may surprise you. However, this medicinal infusion is an ancient remedy not only to cleanse the colon and intestines, but also to help the body in many other ways:

  • Artichoke water is incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals, so it is ideal for optimizing the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Both artichoke water and ginger purify toxins, help eliminate fats and, finally, cleanse the colon of accumulated residues.
  • Ginger and artichoke water improve the digestion process.
  • This medicinal infusion helps fight the so-called bad cholesterol.
  • We also point out that ginger helps reduce inflammation; therefore it is ideal in case of abdominal pain.


  • 2 medium-sized artichokes
  • A liter of water
  • 80 gr of ginger root


  • This infusion is very simple to prepare. The first thing to do is to boil the liter of water. Once it has boiled, add the artichokes and 80 grams of fresh ginger root.
  • Cooking can last from 30 to 40 minutes, until the artichokes have softened and have released all their juice and properties in the cooking water.
  • The next step is very simple. All you have to do is filter the medicinal cooking water. You can keep the artichokes for dinner and eat them with a little oil and vinegar. They are delicious!
  • Put the water in a glass bottle and keep it in a cool environment. You will have to drink one glass on an empty stomach, one after lunch, one in the afternoon and one after dinner. Repeat the process for 8 consecutive days and you will immediately feel better.

2. Infusion of mint and dandelion

Mint and dandelion

Did you know that mint is the best medicinal plant for treating irritable bowel syndrome? This is why it is important to always have it available at home. In addition to being fabulous for flavoring many desserts, mint is a perfect plant to combine with other medicinal herbs, such as dandelion. We explain why:

  • This medicinal infusion will allow you to avoid the classic contractions of the intestine that cause so much pain, relaxing the intestinal walls and decreasing cramps, as well as avoiding constipation or diarrhea.
  • The digestion process will improve.
  • The combination of dandelion and mint will help you cleanse the colon and intestines.
  • Another benefit of this tea is that it has a calming effect, relaxes and relieves headaches and general discomfort.


  • 20 gr of fresh mint
  • 20 gr of dandelion
  • A glass of water (200 ml)
  • A spoonful of honey


  • It’s very simple! In this case you simply have to heat a glass of water. Once it has boiled, add the mint and dandelion and cook for about 15 minutes. Then let it rest for 10 minutes and sweeten the infusion with a teaspoon of honey. This infusion is perfect to drink after lunch.

3. Medicinal infusions of aloe vera and lime

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a wonderful plant whose new properties are discovered every day. Aloe is simply wonderful, a great natural ally to cleanse the colon and intestines. It is also indicated in case of irritable bowel. We explain what its benefits are:

  • It has a natural moisturizing action on the entire digestive system.
  • Aloe vera cleans the digestive tract by removing toxins and any other impurities adhering to the walls of the intestine.
  • Relieves cramps, relaxes the intestinal walls and avoids annoying constipation.
  • If you combine it with lime, you will get an excellent relaxing infusion capable of neutralizing any toxins which will then be eliminated through the faeces.


  • 80 gr of aloe vera (the semi-transparent gel present inside the leaves of the plant)
  • 20 gr of lime
  • A glass of water
  • A few drops of lemon juice


  • Start by heating the glass of water. When the water starts to boil, add the aloe vera gel and mix well to obtain a homogeneous liquid. At this point, add the lime tree.
  • Let it cook for about 20 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the infusion rest for another 10 minutes.
  • Do not drink this infusion too hot, the ideal is to drink it lukewarm. Remember to add a few drops of lemon juice and drink the infusion on an empty stomach for 8 consecutive days to cleanse the colon and intestines. It will do you a lot of good.

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