The Liver And Gallbladder: Purify Them Naturally

The consumption of certain foods must be avoided. Olive oil with lemon juice will help us cleanse and purify ourselves of toxins.
The liver and gallbladder: purify them naturally

The liver and gallbladder work for our health and to absorb all the nutrients the body needs to function properly.

However, the habits of modern life, poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle cause the liver and gallbladder to become overloaded and begin to accumulate toxins and waste substances. The direct consequence is the emergence of health problems that significantly worsen the quality of our life.

Detoxifying the liver and gallbladder  is a process of deep liver cleansing that consists of eliminating toxins from the liver, bile secretions that have not yet been excreted and gallstones.

This cleaning is very easy to perform:  you just have to have good will for it to become a healthy habit of daily life.

How to clean the liver and gallbladder?

To start, you need to take a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice on an empty stomach. In fact, the combination of these two substances stimulates the gallbladder and helps eliminate all waste accumulated in it.

This treatment must be carried out every day on an empty stomach, for a whole month and without interruptions. Furthermore, the ideal would be to wait at least 15 minutes before having breakfast; it would be even better to wait  40 or 60 minutes after breakfast.

Liver inflammation

As you perform this treatment to cleanse the liver and gallbladder, it is very important to remember that there may be symptoms of detoxification. These include: diarrhea or heavy stools, gas, fatigue, lack of appetite, nausea, headaches, mucus, bad body odor, very dark and strong smelling urine, skin rashes.

These symptoms are normal at this stage, because you  are eliminating toxins and waste that have accumulated in the liver from a poor diet, drugs, sweets, fast food, fat, alcohol or tobacco. Yet, these tend to appear only in the first week of purification and do not apply to everyone.

To counteract the symptoms  we advise you to drink between 2 and 4 glasses of water with lemon per day. The ideal would be to ingest warm water to help the body in the process of eliminating toxins from the whole body.

  • To make the lemonade, you need to use pure water, the juice of 2 lemons and, if you like, honey to sweeten.

Additional tips for cleaning the liver and gallbladder

The benefits of apples
  • To detoxify the liver and gallbladder it is very important to accompany the treatment with a good diet, rich in fruits and vegetables.

In addition, the consumption of fatty foods, chocolate, dairy products, coffee, alcohol, butter and red meat must be avoided; in fact, these prevent proper liver cleansing.

  • Another option to combine with this purification and cleansing of the liver and gallbladder is to drink an infusion of boldo, dandelion and wormwood.

The benefits of apple juice

  • Pure apple juice is another excellent way to cleanse the liver and gallbladder. If you choose to do this cleansing process, remember to drink one liter of apple juice on an empty stomach for 2 days.
  • Also, if you want to have breakfast after drinking the juice, you have to wait at least 3 hours and preferably choose foods such as apple, grapes, papaya or a boiled vegetable soup.

Detox smoothie for the liver and gallbladder

This effective drink combines the properties of apple and dandelion to achieve a deep cleansing of the liver and gallbladder. Dandelion helps the liver to produce enzymes and the gallbladder to produce bile. It’s a delicious cleansing smoothie that can be drunk on an empty stomach or at any time of day.

Other benefits:

  • protects and cleans the liver
  • it is diuretic and helps fight water retention
  • helps reduce abdominal bloating and fights bloating during the menstrual cycle
  • is good for the skin


  • 1 handful of fresh dandelion leaves
  • 4 apples
  • 2 small cloves of garlic
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger
  • 1 small slice of onion

How to prepare it?

  • Prepare all the ingredients, put them in the blender and enjoy!

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