Treating Varicose Veins: Here Are 8 Exercises

Physical activity is the most effective way to combat the appearance of varicose veins, although, in any case, it is essential to follow a healthy and balanced diet and avoid excess salt and fat.
Treating varicose veins: here are 8 exercises

Varicose veins are venous dilations that make it difficult for blood to circulate. Women who work every day sitting behind a desk suffer from it, due to the lack of movement caused by this type of activity. One of the most recommended countermeasures is to perform particular exercises that help treat varicose veins.

Famous for being the most common circulatory disease after hypertension, varicose veins are mainly caused by spending a lot of time standing or sitting. Beyond the cosmetic issue, not treating varicose veins can cause serious health problems, such as thrombosis or ulcers.

The best exercises to treat varicose veins

Treating varicose veins: medical checkup.
Varices are swollen-looking veins linked to venous insufficiency. To deal with them, you need to make some lifestyle changes.

Varicose veins are a health problem whose most frequent causes are age, hormonal changes (especially in women), overweight, congenital circulation problems or spending too much time standing or sitting in the same position, according to according to a publication by MedlinePlus .

The importance of these factors is also confirmed by a study published in the  Annals of Epidemiology . Furthermore, this research gives us the curious information that it is a more widespread problem in Western countries … perhaps it is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle?

In fact, being overweight is a major risk factor for venous disease, according to a study published in the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery . Consequently, to start the treatment it is necessary to make a change in one’s habits.

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent varicose veins from appearing or to reduce them. As an article in the MSD Manual indicates, exercising helps strengthen the leg muscles and promotes venous return.

It is not necessary to undergo intense and rigorous training; it is enough to dedicate yourself to some easy routines that can be performed at home without the need for any special tools.

Before doing exercises to treat varicose veins, consult a doctor

If varicose veins are very evident or present in abundance, it is advisable to consult a doctor who can assess the situation. Depending on the symptoms present, the doctor will be able to prescribe medications and a particular training program.

Often people with varicose veins tend to suffer from cramps or spasms associated with the circulatory problem that varicose veins entail. The exercises will help to relieve your discomfort and, of course, to have more toned and attractive legs.

1. Pedaling


It is an exercise that is often used to treat varicose veins. It consists of simulating a bicycle ride  with the legs raised.

You can do this by lying on your bed or on a mat to do yoga. Pedal about 30 times and do the exercise as many times as you want, resting between sessions. If you are not used to exercise, you can start by doing fewer repetitions and then gradually increase them.

2. Bicycle

Treating varicose veins: woman using the exercise bike at home.

Related to the previous exercise, we find the bicycle (the real one, though). This is an excellent exercise for the whole body and, in particular, for the legs.

First of all, you can get into the habit of going out to the park every day or shopping by bike : you will keep yourself moving without even realizing it.

If you don’t want to go to the park and prefer to stay indoors, you can opt for an exercise bike that will perform the same function as a normal bicycle, without however enjoying the benefits offered by the outdoors.

3. Separate the legs


You can perform this third exercise to treat varicose veins sitting on a chair, on a mat or directly on the bed. It might be a bit difficult at first, as it requires a certain amount of strength, but, over time, you will strengthen your legs and you won’t find it that hard anymore. The steps you can follow are as follows:

  • Lift your legs and bring them from top to bottom, bringing your toes together.
  • You can try doing 20 repetitions, although it will all depend on your physical condition.

4. Rotations

To perform this exercise, lie down on a yoga mat, or on a mat or bed and lift one leg. Then, with this leg, draw clockwise circles. Perform 20 rotations and then repeat the exercise with the other leg, but counterclockwise.

5. Heel-toe pushups

Just like the previous ones, this exercise is also useful for circulation. So, if you suffer from cramps, you can do it every night before going to sleep, or in the morning, after you get out of bed. It is recommended to make it seated.

  • First, place your heels on the floor and lift your toes.
  • Lower your toes and lift your heels.
  • Repeat the exercise 20 to 30 times.

6. Toe flexions

This exercise to treat varicose veins is quite similar to the previous one: at the popular level, it is usually recommended to improve venous return. It also helps tone the calf muscles. To run it, proceed as follows:


  • Lie on the bed or a mattress and straighten your legs.
  • Then, flex your fingers back and forth and repeat the exercise about 20 times for each leg.

7. Feet together

You can perform this penultimate exercise to treat varicose veins while sitting or lying down, whichever is most comfortable for you. Put your toes together and separate and repeat the exercise 20 times.

8. On tiptoe

Man training at home.

While this is not a scientifically proven effect, there are those who claim that walking on tiptoes or heels helps to stretch muscles and avoid spasms. You can stay in the same place or walk on your toes or on your heels. Repeat the exercise as many times as you like and rest after each session.


Habits to supplement exercises to treat varicose veins

Beyond the indisputable benefits of physical activity to prevent and treat varicose veins, to reduce the chances of suffering from this pathology, it is also necessary to follow a healthy lifestyle.

In this sense, the Mayo Clinic experts advise avoiding overweight, not wearing tight clothes and not spending long periods of time without moving your legs. Don’t forget that these habits will also be good for your overall health, so adopting them is highly recommended!

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