Healthy And Beautiful Feet: Here Are 10 Useful Tips

Having healthy feet is very important for your overall well-being. This is why you should never forget it. Here are 10 recommendations to always keep in mind.
Healthy and beautiful feet: here are 10 useful tips

Feet are probably the most important part of our body and too often we forget that to have healthy and beautiful feet you have to learn how to take care of them in the right way.

In this way we will be able to increase our resistance to fatigue and efforts, facing the daily grind in a better way and with greater comfort.

People often forget to take proper care of the health and appearance of their feet. Furthermore, many are unaware of  the existence of several home remedies that can make us have healthy and beautiful feet.

For this reason, considering that each part of the body has its importance and that having healthy and strong feet is what allows us to keep ourselves in balance, it is necessary to adopt some simple habits to change our life, starting from the very basics, that is from the feet.

IS It is essential to remember that, in addition to the tiredness accumulated during the day, there are other factors that tend to weaken our feet, such as  the use of shoes that are too tight and the lack of air, which contributes to creating a humid environment unfavorable to the correct transpiration of the skin and nails. This can cause injury, fungus and other ailments, particularly in those over the age of 50.

What to do?

Having perfect feet at any age is not a utopia. Below you will find  the 10 key rules for having healthy, strong and beautiful feet : these are simple and feasible remedies comfortably at home, able to bring numerous benefits. To achieve optimal results, we recommend that you apply these rules patiently and consistently, without ever losing sight of your well-being and your desire to feel good.

The 10 rules for healthy feet

1. Protect your feet from heat and cold

Avoid walking barefoot on the beach or on other hot surfaces (swimming pools, saunas, spas or even your home); Also, if you tend to get cold feet during the night, wear socks. Do not use hot water bottles or electric blankets to warm your feet and avoid ice to cool them.

2. Wash your feet thoroughly every day

wash your feet well

To keep your feet looking good and at a natural temperature, wash them every day with warm water and neutral soap. When taking a foot bath, don’t let your feet soak for more than 10 minutes. Once finished, dry them well.

3. Make sure you keep them hydrated

Avoid having your feet too wet or too dry. What you need to do is make sure that the skin on your feet is always well hydrated and soft. You can help yourself with a natural moisturizer.

4. Healthy nails for healthy feet

healthy feet with manicured nails

This rule involves filing your nails instead of cutting them. You can do this once a week or more frequently if necessary. The best shape to give to the nails is that of a straight line, using a cardboard file.

In addition, it is advisable to check the appearance of the nails often, to identify any anomalies, such as changes in color and / or in consistency or the appearance of streaks. Finally, always avoid lending your pedicure tools to other people.

5. The shoes

Wear proper shoes, both when you have to go out and when you stay at home. If the shoes are new, do not use them immediately for a long time, but gradually. Wear  comfortable shoes that are not too tight, but not too loose either.

6. Beware of irritants

foot massage

To always have healthy and beautiful feet,  avoid using irritants, such as alcohol, salt water, iodine, blades or corn lilies, as they can cause a variety of problems, even serious ones. If you have to use bandages or gauze, make sure they are hypoallergenic.

7. Watch your feet

You cannot neglect your feet, but always keep them under control. If you think outside help is needed, don’t hesitate to consult a specialist. When checking your feet, pay particular attention to the presence of sores, cuts, calluses, chafing, blisters, swollen or red areas.

Should you detect one of these anomalies, look for possible solutions to restore your feet to their natural appearance.

8. Walk

feet with tight sandals

Walk every day, always wearing appropriate shoes. Aim for quiet walks lasting 45 minutes to 1 hour. To train your feet, lift your legs and ankles up and then down, repeat the exercise for 5 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day. In addition to walking, it is useful to play sports and avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

9. Monitor your glucose

Try to keep your sugar levels constant, follow a healthy and balanced diet with the right proportion of sugar and starches. It might get a little tricky at times, but you will see that your body and feet will thank you.

10. If necessary, consult a doctor

If you spot an abnormality or injury that could be dangerous and difficult for you to fix on your own, the best thing to do is to consult a podiatrist. Remember to pay attention to the needs of your feet and to undergo an examination if necessary.

Do these rules really work?

This is entirely up to you. What is certain is that your feet will only look healthy if you make it happen. These rules are the key to having healthy and cared for feet, but they only work if you put them into practice consistently and if you don’t forget the basic guidelines we talked about in this article.


The most important thing is to be consistent and thorough when it comes to taking care of your feet, it doesn’t matter where you are. Do not forget to control them, to caress or massage them and to enhance them as part of the body.

Avoid using chemicals or strange substances on your feet. Finally, try to follow a balanced diet because, even if it seems paradoxical and far from having to do with the feet, paying attention to nutrition means taking care of the whole body, without exception.

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