The Legend Of The Red Thread

When we meet the love of our life, everything will be different: from the way we spend our days to the very conception of life and love.
The legend of the red thread

According to an ancient oriental legend, each of us is joined to the love of one’s life by a thin red thread attached to the little finger.

It doesn’t matter how far away the person on the other end of the line may be at any given time.

What is certain, however, is that two people united by the thread will end up meeting sooner or later. This is the red thread of destiny that will never, ever break, regardless of the events. 

It doesn’t matter how long we get to know this person, nor the time we spend without seeing them.

It does not even matter if it is on the other side of the world, because the thread will stretch as long as it takes so that the hearts of the people it unites are always connected.

According to the legend, the red thread has accompanied us from birth and our life develops around it.

He decides the future of the people he binds and guides them through the world until the fateful moment when they will meet and never leave.

Legend of the red thread

The legend of the red thread tells: 

The red thread …

Hearts that run

The legend of the red thread is so deeply rooted in Eastern cultures that millions of people wear red threads intertwined on their fingers.

It is said that this legend spread when it was discovered that the ulnar artery connects the little finger to the heart, the source of our life, the corner where our capacity to love metaphorically resides.

The great loves of our life

They say that during our life we ​​have two great loves. One with whom you will marry or live forever, can be the father or mother of your children: with this person you will get the utmost understanding to be together for the rest of your life.

And they say there is a second great love, a person you will lose forever. Someone you were born connected with, so connected, that the forces of chemistry run away from reason and will always keep you from reaching a happy ending.

Until one day you stop trying, you will give up and look for another person that you will end up meeting. However, I assure you that she won’t be spending a single night without needing another kiss from her or even to argue once more.


Everyone knows who I’m talking about, because while you are reading these lines, his name has occurred to you. You will get rid of him or her and you will stop suffering, you will end up meeting peace, but I assure you that there will not be a day when you do not wish me to be here to disturb you.

Because sometimes more energy is released by arguing with someone you love than by making love with someone you appreciate ”. Paulo Coelho

Sometimes these 2 types of love coincide. At other times, however, we experience them separately, which occasionally makes us rethink the past with melancholy.

Both of these loves are necessary and essential, and we must be grateful for the chance to try them.  

We will never be able to impose our whims on the red thread. Not even our ignorance will be able to oppose it, because even if we cannot see it, it will be responsible for our choices and our movements in life.

The appearance of love united to us by the red thread of destiny marks an era in our life, a before and after that will change our existence and our conception of love itself.

They are called soulmates, essences united by a single destiny …

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