You Have The Right To Place A Period And Start Over

Putting a point does not mean giving up, but eliminating all the ballast that hinders our path to happiness and well-being. 
You have the right to put a period and start over

Sometimes it is good, it is healthy, it enriches and it even represents a personal revolution: putting a point and starting from scratch can be the solution to your problems.

It is curious how our brains resist changes so much. Anything that requires getting out of our comfort zone, changing a certain routine, habit or context, and starting over is interpreted by our brain as a threat.

In its primordial need to guarantee our survival, it will always feed us with fears and insecurities and will continue to whisper to us: “don’t do it, don’t change anything around you”. Well, when you are able to face that natural and biological instinct, everything changes.

Eventually our mind is enriched by the learning obtained and the brain benefits from this wonderful passage represented by the reception of other stimuli that can guarantee us happiness. Today in our blog we want to invite you to reflect on the right of people to do it: or to start over.

To put a full stop and start over you have to make a clean sweep

decide to start over

Changes don’t come by moving us away from a certain context. It is not necessary to uproot ourselves and look for new places to be able to start over. 

  • The best thing is to promote change with a new inner strength thanks to which “to make a clean sweep” of everything that we don’t like, that has had its time, that does not enrich us and that dulls our progress.
  • We can start from our home: we eliminate everything that belongs to a period that we do not like to remember.
  • We throw away papers, clothes that we no longer use, objects that cause discomfort or that are too bulky.
  • We open the windows and let a new wind come with us as we implement these changes.
  • Then comes the most important part that requires more courage. Let’s think carefully about all the other things we don’t need in life.

Maybe we need to change routines, get away from certain people or break certain bonds… Let’s think about it very carefully.

Appreciate emptiness, sense change and focus on yourself

maximum concentration

Certainly when you do the spring cleaning at home, you are surprised by all the useless things you have accumulated over time and by the light that radiates every corner of the house after having polished, eliminated dust, superfluous things and broken objects.

You feel a truly relaxing serenity. Now everything is in order. In this way, you have not only put aside the things that were not useful to youyou have also distanced yourself from the people who did not bring you anything  and who, in fact, hurt you.

There are those who, having reached this stage, immediately launch themselves into meeting new people, creating new relationships and embarking on a whole series of novelties.

It is not the right thing to do. If we want to start over, we have to take care of ourselves, for this it is necessary to take a pause for reflection. We must appreciate the void left, the one previously occupied by someone who is no longer by our side.

In these moments we are ourselves and we must meet again, appreciate the solitude and reconcile with it.

External changes make you feel different: stronger people

If wanting to undertake change is already a sign of courage, succeeding is a characteristic of it. Sometimes we are not aware of it, but the seed of resilience lies within us .

Making it germinate requires a drop of determination, a touch of integrity and a few ounces of intuition. So we will know what is best for us and what we should avoid instead.

After you have made a point, you will feel proud of yourself, and that feeling, that firm belief that you are holding the reins of your life is a rewarding emotion that you must enjoy. 

Tabula rasa and new smiles to start over: it’s time to decorate your life

Start over with confidence

New life, new smiles. It is worth it, and while it clearly cost you a lot to get where you are now, everything you have achieved is wonderful: now it is you in all your essence, you in all your magic. It is time to “decorate” your life by following some tips that will help you.

  • Decorate your life with people who appreciate you for who you are, with your virtues and your flaws.
  • Let people who know how to give and receive happiness reach your heart. Surround yourself with mature, fun friends who have a solution for every problem and not a problem for every solution.

Allow these opportunities that you deserve, but that you never had the courage to take, to get to you. Be receptive to what life wants to offer you, to what you like and identify with.

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