3 Reasons To Include Magnesium In Your Diet

Thanks to its ability to bind to hormones, magnesium can help us treat various ailments related to hormonal imbalance, for example in the days leading up to your period.
3 reasons to include magnesium in your diet

Reading the title of this article, many will think they have more doubts than certainties about the introduction of magnesium in the diet and the repercussions it has on our health.

Don’t worry: today we explain everything you need to know.

When we go shopping, we often don’t think about what nutrients are contained in the foods we buy and their function, and this also happens with magnesium.

The repercussions of this mineral on our body are greater than imagined. However, unlike other elements such as iron or calcium,  the importance of including magnesium in the diet is generally not sufficiently emphasized. 

Some research would show that about 48% of the US population has a magnesium deficiency.

The reasons for including it in our diet are obvious, but here we limit ourselves to highlighting the three most important arguments in favor of its greater consumption.

It is an element that performs many important functions for our well-being, from the assimilation of vitamin D to the therapeutic contribution in many cases of diseases  and disorders, including:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Cardiovascular Disorders
  • Migraine
  • Premature aging

That’s right: all these pathologies could be prevented or alleviated simply with a regular and correct consumption of magnesium.

Here are a number of reasons and considerations that will allow you to learn more about this mineral and its properties.

3 reasons to include magnesium in your diet

Include magnesium in your diet with supplements.

A diet should include all food categories and above all the minerals essential for our health. Magnesium plays a key role among these.

Let’s remember, for example, that our skeletal system is also composed of this element; a possible deficiency would be noticed when we smile, that is on our teeth.

1. Ideal for bone and tooth health

Smiling girl

The importance of calcium for bone and tooth health is undeniable, but magnesium plays a key role as it helps fix the other elements.

This means that in the presence of a magnesium deficiency, it is difficult to have adequate levels of calcium.

Osteoporosis and tooth decay can be one of the consequences of this deficit.

To avoid this, you need to consume more foods rich in this precious mineral, such as dairy products and fruit rich in vitamin D, for example:

  • apricots
  • apples
  • bananas

2. Premenstrual syndrome

We know how annoying PMS can be.

In this case, the magnesium attaches itself to the hormones, helping to prevent imbalances and relieving symptoms such as pain or nervousness.

If you have consumed foods high in this mineral salt in the previous month, you may notice a considerable reduction in menstrual cramps.

3. Useful against insomnia


Sleep disturbances are a problem that affects a large part of the population.

There are several causes that can alter good sleep; however, it has been shown that a magnesium deficiency can directly affect the onset of insomnia.

Melatonin is a hormone that acts on the regulation of the sleep cycle and when there is a lack of magnesium, it is easier to suffer from insomnia.

The importance of magnesium

In our space we always recommend the best ways to take care of your well-being.

The benefits of magnesium on our body are noteworthy, so don’t hesitate to include foods rich in this element.

It is important to always be aware of what we are eating and what are the functions and benefits of the foods we consume.

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