Drugs That Make You Fat, What Are They

To neutralize the effect of drugs that make you fat, the ideal is to carry out cardiovascular activity and follow a healthy and balanced diet.
Drugs that make you fat, what are they

Are you gaining weight and don’t know why? Perhaps it is a side effect of a drug you are taking. It happens more often than you might think. Today we present some drugs that make you fat.

As this is a very sensitive subject, remember  not to stop taking any medications that make you fat without first consulting your doctor. Keep in mind that your well-being is more important than the size you are wearing.

The best choice is to carry out cardiovascular physical activity and to follow a balanced diet. You could also go to a dietician who can give you a diet that suits your needs. This is a highly recommended strategy, as you will be introducing foods that will help protect you from this effect.

That said, let’s see which drugs make you fat the most.

Drugs that make you fat

1. Antihistamines


People with allergies will have already heard of it. Antihistamines neutralize the effects of histamine, which is responsible for the onset of allergic states. Those who suffer from it in a very serious way always carry such drugs with them.

Even though they are grateful for their existence, many people find that when they take them for several months, they begin to gain weight. This is because histamine reduces appetite. These drugs cancel this effect, so it is much more difficult to satiate.

It is advisable to eat foods that are satiating, but at the same time low in calories: green leafy vegetables and low-sugar fruit.

2. Antidepressants


Not all antidepressants work the same way. The most dangerous in terms of weight are selective serotonin uptake inhibitors,  such as Prozac. They are drugs that make you fat as they deprive us of energy

In the absence of forces, the brain asks us to do something, so we tend to eat carbohydrates and products rich in glucose. If we add to this the fact that the emotional state we are in and the effects of the drugs make it difficult for us to do sports for a long time, the extra pounds are guaranteed.

We must have a lot of willpower to contain this appetite and motivate us to play sports.

3.  Antihypertensives


We are faced with a situation very similar to the previous one. The function of these drugs is to slow down the pressure with which the heart pumps blood as it harms the muscle and other aspects of our health.

Antihypertensives can slow down various bodily functions, including metabolism. For this reason, some doctors prescribe diuretics to curb this effect.

In these cases, it is advisable to consume foods that facilitate digestion and to eliminate heavy ones.

4. Corticosteroids


They are among the most powerful anti-inflammatories that exist. They are prescribed to rheumatic, asthmatic and even cancer patients. Although they are very effective, they fall into the category of drugs that make you fat.

They increase appetite and promote water retention. For this reason, unless you eat less, it is very difficult to get rid of toxins as you should.

It is very important to add fluids to your diet. While it may seem contradictory, the best way to combat water retention is to drink more. This will also allow us to feel full without resorting to caloric foods.

Neutralize drugs that make you fat

As long as your health allows it, sport is essential. One of the best options is to walk. It is an activity suitable for everyone, as it is of low intensity. However, its usefulness for losing weight is incredible.

Walking has other advantages as well. Many cities have specific areas for this, usually  located in the most beautiful places: parks, waterfront or green areas.

These areas are an ideal environment to switch off and get rid of stress, unless you have allergies. When we suffer from a disorder or a disease, the emotional factor is fundamental.

Some drugs can make us fat, but we must take action to stop this phenomenon. It is necessary to know them in order to be able to remedy the problem from the beginning. While we may not always be able to maintain our healthy weight, a good diet and cardiovascular exercise (if we can) will help to reduce its effect.

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