Vitamin E: 6 Foods To Increase Consumption

Spinach is famous for providing minerals such as iron, but it is also rich in vitamin E and antioxidants that protect the body against oxidative stress.
Vitamin E: 6 foods to increase its consumption

Vitamin E, or alpha tocopherol, is a fat-soluble nutrient with great antioxidant power that helps synthesize the heme pigment, an essential part of hemoglobin and absolutely essential for the body.

Its absorption is essential for the body to defend the tissues from the attack of free radicals . In fact, it plays an important role in the prevention of certain diseases caused by aging.

The body needs a high dose of vitamin E to strengthen the immune system, preparing it to repel pathogens that attack cells and tissues and thus improve our health.

It has also been called “the vitamin of youth”, as it helps maintain healthy skin and hair, despite the passing of the years. Fortunately, it is present in a large variety of foods that can easily be included in the everyday diet. In today’s article we show you the best: you just have to consume them regularly!

6 foods to get vitamin E

1. Almonds

Spoon almonds

Almonds are among the dried fruits richest in vitamin E and healthy fatty acids, such as omega 3. These nutrients, along with essential minerals, keep cells healthy and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. 100 g of almonds provide 26 mg of vitamin E. However, they should be consumed in moderation, given their high caloric intake.

2. Spinach to get vitamin E

Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, are a healthy and low-calorie source of very important nutrients for the body. Spinach is a concentrate of vitamin E. The latter, together with other antioxidants, protects the body from chronic diseases caused by oxidative stress.

In addition, this type of plant provides essential minerals essential for the production of red blood cells, as well as for the strengthening of bones and joints, among these we find:

  • Iron
  • Football
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Potassium

3. Savoy cabbage

savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage is a vegetable that, in addition to being very tasty, offers a good amount of vitamin E which, together with other nutrients, protects the body from the negative effects of aging.

It has been estimated that a cup of savoy cabbage represents, on average, 7% of the recommended daily requirement of vitamin E. It is also rich in fiber and minerals which, once assimilated, stimulate metabolic functions, reducing the risk of diabetes and overweight .

4. Papaya

Famous for its high content of vitamin C and fiber, papaya is also a fruit rich in vitamin E, whose antioxidant action fights the oxidative stress suffered by cells and tissues due to free radicals.

It also contains vitamin A, potassium, magnesium and other minerals that are important for the proper functioning of the body. Regular consumption of papaya reduces the risk of infectious diseases and inflammation, as well as improving the appearance of the skin.

5. Olives to take vitamin E

Olives to take vitamin E

Olives are famous for the many uses that can be made of them in the kitchen, but also for their medicinal uses and for the benefits they bring to physical and cognitive health. They have a high level of vitamin E and essential amino acids which, together, create a barrier that curbs the effect of free radicals on cells.

They also contain a small but important dose of essential fatty acids which, thanks to their anti-inflammatory action, improve the state of the bones and reduce the weakening associated with age.

6. Avocado

Avocado is one of the most suitable foods for a healthy diet, not only because it is rich in vitamin E, but also for its supply of healthy fatty acids, B vitamins and numerous minerals.

  • Despite its caloric intake is quite high compared to other fruits and vegetables, its excellent concentration of nutrients makes it an ideal food for diets.
  • Both the direct consumption and the topical use of this fruit is useful for improving the skin and hair, especially in cases of premature aging.

By introducing these foods into our daily diet, we will nourish the body with vitamin E, one of the most powerful and essential antioxidants to keep it healthy. It is also a great way to promote our well-being and keep wrinkles and the premature signs of aging at bay.

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