Natural Remedies For Psoriasis: Habits And Treatments

Psoriasis is a skin disease of genetic origin that can be aggravated by several factors, so it is important to know some remedies to calm the symptoms
Natural remedies for psoriasis: habits and treatments

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that is very difficult to treat and usually gets worse with age. Any factor can trigger a rash or worsening, such as a little food, a stressful situation, or a sudden climate change. Knowing the natural remedies for psoriasis is of great use.

Any skin disease creates discomfort, but it is important not to get discouraged, otherwise the situation will get worse.

The skin is the area most exposed to contract many types of diseases and even more nowadays due to the significant environmental pollution.

In this article we present some natural remedies for psoriasis and various general information about this skin disease.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Among the most common physical ailments of this condition we find:

  • Skin inflammation
  • Desquamation
  • Redness
  • itch
  • Pain, in severe cases

The areas most affected are the back, scalp and extremities. However, it can also occur in the genitals, armpits, or under the nails.

This pathology mainly affects between 15 and 35 years, although its appearance in children and the elderly is not excluded.


The origin of psoriasis is not known with certainty, but it is known that it  has a genetic and hereditary component.  If both parents suffer from psoriasis, there is a possibility that one in four children will suffer from this disease.

Other possible risk factors are:

  • Climatology. Frequent changes from cold to hot can cause psoriasis.
  • Injuries. Any bump can trigger the appearance of psoriasis in the affected area. The same goes for sunburn.
  • Medicines. The consumption of some medications can contribute to the onset or aggravation of this condition. For this reason, it is important to tell your doctor about the medicines you are taking.
  • Stress. Any situation that causes us stress can trigger this skin pathology.

It can manifest itself very differently in each individual, so its classification is based on the shape, severity and type of scales.


Woman drinking water

We can accompany the treatment given by the dermatologist by:

  • Drink lots of water throughout the day.
  • Moisturize the skin with natural products such as aloe vera.
  • Go to the sea, as salt water is very useful.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol.
  • Reduce the consumption of dairy products, sugars, fats and refined flours.
  • Improve the function of the liver, kidneys and intestines to facilitate the elimination of toxins.
  • Play sports two or three times a week.
  • Sleep well.

Natural remedies for psoriasis

Natural remedies for psoriasis will make it easier to calm the symptoms. However, remember that in cases like these they must complete medical treatment, never replace it.  


Carrot, rich in antioxidants, is very useful for all types of skin problems.


  • 2 small carrots
  • 1 cucumber


  • Grate both ingredients, mix well and apply to affected areas.
  • Leave for 20 minutes and remove.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel

This plant is one of our body’s best allies and helps us relieve many different symptoms. In this case we can use it in two ways:

As a moisturizer

Aloe vera has amazing moisturizing properties that will help refresh the area  and reduce itching.

Extract the gel from the plant and apply it directly to the affected area; you will immediately notice an improvement.


Aloe vera juice improves the activity of the digestive system. This organ is closely related to psoriasis and we need to maintain good evacuation.

  • An aloe vera leaf
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)
  • Blend the ingredients and strain.
  • It is recommended to drink it 3 times a day, until you notice improvements.

Linseed oil

The essential omega 3 fatty acids contained in linen are very good for the skin, especially in case of psoriasis. They nourish us from the inside and counteract the dryness  and itching caused by this disease.

Coconut oil is also a great moisturizer, so it’s worth considering it as a natural remedy for psoriasis.

What to do

  • Put two tablespoons of this oil (30 ml) on the palms of your hands.
  • Apply it directly on the affected areas and let it act for 20 minutes, then remove it. The quantities depend on the extent of the area.

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