The Family: The Best Gift That Life Can Give Us

Although we usually think that the family is only the one with which we are united by a blood bond, in reality we can expand this concept by including special friends within it.
The family: the best gift that life can reserve for us

The important thing about a family is not to live together, nor to agree on everything. The fundamental thing is to be united despite the differences, to know how to respect each other, to accept each other for what one is, for what one has achieved, for what defines us.

Being a family also means “knowing how to build bonds” and this, as we know, is not always easy.

Perhaps for this very reason, many view the concept of family with skepticism.

Perhaps due to disappointments experienced on their skin, negative events that have led to stop believing in this primary entity of society and of the human being himself.

Today we propose that you reflect on the concept of family.

Family is not just a blood bond, it is also an act of loyalty

Hedgehog family

You may not get along well with one or several family members. This does not mean that you should stop believing in what the very concept of family represents.

  • The family is a network of different individuals united by affection, love and respect. The presence of a blood bond is not necessary. The family can also be made up of people chosen by you. 
  • Relatives cannot be chosen. It is the relationships we establish with them that determine the existence or otherwise of authentic affection, of that emotional enrichment that brings us happiness.
  • Sometimes a grandmother or aunt can become more important than the mother herself. On other occasions, the mother can fill the roles of father, grandparents, uncles and cousins.

Each circumstance is unique and exceptional and it is always our heart to choose which is our real family, in which even our closest friends can be included.

Large and small families

  • Families have many shapes, colors, names and internal dynamics that only its members can know. There are big ones, with many brothers, cousins, uncles and nephews. All very united, who would never miss the usual meetings and ready to offer help or consolation.
  • Then there are single-parent families, in which a single parent raises their children with courage and lots of effort, giving everything for their children and feeding on morning smiles, conversations, complicity and shared dreams.
mother kissing newborn family

Families: treasures to keep

It is important to keep in mind that families are large entities made up of smaller islands. Most of us have, for example, parents, uncles and cousins.

In turn, we usually form another family with our partner, with friends who become brothers. If necessary, with the children who arrive with time.

  • Families are treasures to be kept at any cost. Sometimes, when we are now immersed in our personal projects with our spouses, children, work, etc., we put aside our parents, the uncles we love so much and whom we do not go to find as much as we should.
  • We carry them in our hearts, there is no doubt, but every kind of affection needs a continuous bond of words, sweetness, small details and joys to give.
  • Never underestimate these aspects. Go and visit your loved ones, get together, favor the meeting between your current family and the one of origin and, in turn, with your partner’s family members and even with those of your closest friends.

They are positive experiences that help us build new relationships that build what we call cognitive reserve.

Shoulders family looking at the starry sky

It is worth and it is necessary to enjoy our family, to be present, to promote joy in the face of discussions, to be patient, to forgive and to strive to be together .

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