The Most Effective Exercises To Improve Memory

Exercises to improve our memory help us to better fix concepts and increase our ability to concentrate. In this way, we will be able to keep the brain young for longer.
The most effective exercises to improve memory

If we want to increase our ability to concentrate and to better fix important concepts, we must put into practice some exercises to improve memory. 

In fact, although we are inclined to think that it is enough to keep only our body in training, we must not forget the importance of keeping our memory in practice as well.

Exercises to optimize our ability to memorize help us keep our minds active. It may happen that as we grow up we stop learning, reading, acquiring knowledge. In other words, we stop testing our memory with challenges to confront.

Precisely for this reason, we will go to see in this article what are the 5 useful exercises to improve memory, which will help us keep the mind awake and young for longer. Let’s begin!

1. Review something every day to improve your memory

Thinking woman lying in bed

Remember when you reviewed that very subject before going to sleep or when you reviewed each time before an exam? You must know that this was a great exercise for improving memory. However, as you grow up, finish your studies and start working, you will have stopped reviewing.

To practice memorization exercises, however, it is not necessary to be in the learning phase. Just reviewing everything we did during the day, what happened to us or what we ate, is enough.

Very often, keeping a diary stimulates us to review our day every day. Even if it seems pointless, doing a daily review of everything that happened to us in one day is a great exercise to strengthen our memory.

2. Create mind maps every day

What grade would you give to your photographic memory? Many people find it difficult to memorize places where they need to know their way around. If this is the case, making mind maps can be a great exercise in improving your memory in this regard.

The way to do this is to make sure that every time you visit a new place, you create a “map” of what you have seen, drawing it. This will serve to enhance your memory, not only spatial, but also visual. This is a fantastic quality that you will be thrilled with.

3. Also use your non-dominant hand

Are you left-handed or right-handed? One of the funniest exercises to improve memory is doing everything you normally do but using your non-dominant hand. For example, if you are left handed and write or brush your teeth with your right hand, you will try to do it with your left hand.

Of course, at first you will notice some resistance in yourself, but it is normal. It will be difficult for you to use the hand you are not used to working with. However, this is a good thing: your mind will work and keep going.

4. Change your routine to improve memory

People climbing the stairs

As trivial as it may seem, making changes to your routine draws the attention of your memory. So instead of taking the elevator, try using the stairs; instead of taking the same route to work, try an alternative route.

Doing this will help you improve your ability to focus and keep your mind awake (which is good, as it will be confronted with new elements). When we do something routine, we forget to welcome the stimuli of the environment around us.

If, for example, we choose to take a new path to go to the office, we will have to make an effort to consider whether this path will lead us to work or not and to orient ourselves without getting lost. In addition, once we return home, we can add another element, which is to create a mind map that also helps our mind.

5. Learn something every day to improve your memory

The last of the exercises to improve our memory does not necessarily require starting a course to learn something. In our daily life, there are many things that can help us learn something new every day.

For example, we can try to learn a new phone number by heart or the home address of that friend whose address we never remember. All these small learning gestures also make our life easier.

Have you ever practiced any of the exercises described here to improve your memory? Which of these did you find useful? There are many more, such as playing sudokus or using specific apps that also help keep memory active.

Remember that exercising it can mark the clear difference between forgetting something easily or with difficulty. Exercise – both physical and mental – always brings great benefits. How about checking for yourself?

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