Citrus Peel: All Uses And Health Benefits

Although lemon and orange zest is usually used for culinary uses, it can also be useful for making natural deodorants or exfoliants.
Citrus peel: all uses and health benefits

Do you know which part of citrus fruits brings the most health benefits? The peel! The peel of citrus fruits has properties that help prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. They prevent water retention and fat accumulation and help increase defenses, among other things.

For this reason today we want to explain how to use citrus peel . Lemon, orange, mandarin, lime or grapefruit offer useful medicinal, culinary and cosmetic properties. However, it is essential that it comes from organic or home-grown fruit, in order to ensure that it does not contain pesticides, waxes or other toxic substances accumulated in the peel.

How is citrus peel preserved?

Slices of citrus fruits with zest

The first step is to wash the fruit well, peel it and remove the internal white parts that can have a bitter taste.

The simplest way is to grate the zest and use it directly. In this way, in fact, it is more aromatic, but if you want to keep it for later use, you can freeze it. Another option is to dry it naturally, in the sun or in the oven (at a low temperature for a few hours) and then pulverize it with the help of a coffee grinder.

All uses of citrus peel

Medicinal use

  • It has a powerful antioxidant action, thanks to the content of flavonoids, which help prevent and treat cancer in a natural way, especially that of the skin and breast. It also reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease.
  • The high content of vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • It has a purifying effect, both internal and external. Also, it helps to avoid water retention.
  • It has relaxing and slightly sedative properties. Citrus fruits help improve the mood.
  • Facilitates digestion, especially after consuming fatty foods.
  • It improves the assimilation of nutrients such as iron. It can therefore help in the treatment of anemia.

Culinary uses

The peel of citrus fruits, raw or dried, helps give a touch of freshness and a delicious aroma to our recipes, as well as bringing its medicinal benefits and facilitating digestion.

  • In desserts, cakes and biscuits : mixing it with the dough or using it to decorate.
  • In sauces, in vinaigrette, or to season foods with oil.
  • As a spice (dried or powdered) to flavor meats, fish and soups.
  • In infusions and drinks (lemonades, smoothies, juices, vegetable drinks).
  • To give an original touch to the ice cubes, adding a little zest to the water before freezing it.
  • Preparing candied fruit with the zest whole or in pieces. Boil it with sugar, as when you syrup fruit, bread it in sugar and put it in the oven.
candied lemon peel
  • To prepare a syrup, boil the zest with honey or sugar until it is reduced by half; it can be kept in the refrigerator. Use it both in the kitchen and as a syrup for children and adults to strengthen the defenses and prevent viral and bacterial diseases.

Use cosmetics


Thanks to their vitamin and mineral content, citrus fruits help cleanse the skin and improve its elasticity. They moisturize and prevent flaccidity and the appearance of wrinkles as they improve cell regeneration and help produce collagen.

  • Natural exfoliant. You can prepare a simple and effective exfoliant to cleanse the skin and help it regenerate. Mix the sugar or sea salt with grated or pulverized lemon zest and olive or almond oil (for dry skin) or aloe vera gel (for oily skin).
  • Deodorant : If you blend the citrus peel you will get a juice that you can use as a natural deodorant. It is very effective and free from substances harmful to the skin. You can keep it in the refrigerator for a few days or freeze it and use it little by little.
  • Soaps : by clicking on the words in blue, we explain how to prepare natural lavender soap. If you use citrus peel instead of lavender, you will get a very cleansing and aromatic soap.

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