Benefits Of A Glass Of Water And Lemon A Day

Water with lemon is good for any time of day. If taken on an empty stomach it helps eliminate toxins, regulates metabolism and avoids the negative action of free radicals.
Benefits of a glass of lemon water a day

Do you already know what are the benefits of drinking a glass of water and lemon a day?

For us human beings, water is essential: in fact we cannot last more than four or five days without drinking, otherwise our life would be in grave danger. The human body is made up of about 75% water at birth and 60% water in adulthood.

Doctors recommend drinking at least two liters of water a day (including juices, fruits, and foods that provide water), because water is essential for good health and for the body to function properly.

Water and lemon for the body

Lemon is the citrus fruit that occupies the first place among the fruits of prevention, in fact, thanks to the high intake of vitamins and its healing power, it is excellent for eliminating bacteria and toxins.

Lemon has a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the body’s defenses and helps avoid disease. This fruit also promotes the healing of any type of wound.

the benefits of a glass of water and lemon are innumerable

Lemon is rich in many minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Potassium, for example, is vital and offers numerous benefits in case of high blood pressure. We could consider lemon to be a powerful medicine precisely because it treats about 150 diseases.

Toxins are found in any part of the body (blood, organs and tissues) and, when we ingest lemon, it acts directly on the area where the toxins are present, fights them and facilitates their elimination.

Sometimes, in cases of gastrointestinal intoxication, slow digestion or liver and gallbladder disorders, lemon helps normalize impaired functions.

Water with lemon is very important for cleansing the body; in fact, according to Dr. David Jockers, “lemon water contains citric acid which helps cleanse and prevent calcium deposits that build up in the arteries and which could otherwise lead to cardiovascular disease.”

Also keep in mind that drinking lemon water instead of lemonade saves you a great deal of calories because you don’t need to add sugar or any sweetener to make the drink taste better.

The benefits of water with lemon

water and lemon
  • It promotes digestion and also removes toxins from the digestive system.
  • In case of nausea, acidity or indigestion, water with lemon helps neutralize the symptoms.
  • It strengthens the immune system thanks to the vitamin C.
  • Contains ascorbic acid, which is characterized by its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Thanks to the content of vitamin C and antioxidants, water with lemon helps you to have a clean and radiant skin.
  • Lemon juice is an effective remedy in case of obesity, but, before starting a specific diet, the patient must drink a lot of water.
  • Lemon, being one of the most alkaline foods, balances the pH. When acid enters the body, it changes to alkaline.
  • It reduces the consumption of coffee because, usually, a glass of water and lemon helps to decrease the desire to drink coffee.
  • Helps freshen your breath, as well as relieving toothache or gingivitis.
  • Drinking lemon water with meals lowers the glycemic index, which helps the body feel full for much longer. This, to some extent, promotes weight loss.

Remember …

The benefits of water and those of lemon are many, but they increase even more if you combine the two foods. This delicious drink is much healthier than any other drink which can be bad for your health.

For this reason, when you want to satisfy your thirst and refresh your throat, the ideal is to drink a glass of water and lemon. In summer, for example, you will be able to handle the heat of the day more easily and your body will feel much better.

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