Physical Pain And Emotions: What Is The Relationship?

Many times we look for the cause of physical pain in the body, when instead it originates from an emotion or experience we are living.
Physical Pain and Emotions: What's the Relationship?

Many times we look for the cause of physical pain in the body, when instead it originates from an emotion or experience we are living.

Mind and body are constantly working side by side and this explains why many feelings are somatized with pains in different parts of the body.

Chronic pain, for example, is not just the consequence of an injury or physical pain, but can arise from continued stress or depression.

Similarly,  back pain, headache or discomfort in other parts of the body can depend on our mood. 

This is what explains the site, which has become the spokesperson for some studies, including that of Dr. Susanne Babble, a psychologist specializing in trauma and depression and their connection.

The site has collected the opinion of various experts who have tried to establish how our emotional life affects pain in specific points of the body.

Relationship between emotions and physical pain


woman-headache physical pain

Common headaches and migraines are closely related to constant stress and other emotional factors.

When this malaise is recurring, it could be due to an overload of daily commitments or continually experiencing unpleasant situations.

In this case, the best solution is to carve out some time to devote to relaxing practices or activities.

Neck pain

Tension in the neck is not always the result of a sudden movement or effort. In some cases, when the disease becomes chronic, it is linked to a strong feeling of guilt or self-righteousness.

It would be good, therefore, to identify the causes that provoke this feeling and, eventually, to seek forgiveness.

Pain in the shoulders

Shoulder pain physical pain

Many of the daily tensions are a burden that we carry on our shoulders. On them we load the problems and worries.

If you are aware that you are living in such a situation, look for an appropriate solution, avoiding burdening yourself with problems that do not belong to you.

If the weight is too great, it is best to solve it by dividing it into stages, so that it does not become a difficult problem to manage.

Pain in the upper back

The pain in this area of ​​the body is linked to the lack of emotional support or to the emptiness that is felt when our feelings are not returned.

He heals quickly after re-establishing contact with family and friends. It stops recurring when you start a romantic relationship.

Pain in the lower back

Low back pain physical pain

Continuous back pain is the result of the stress caused by financial problems. Having debt or financial difficulties causes unnecessary tension in this part of the body.

For this reason, it is essential to learn how to manage money or be prepared to face times of crisis. Reviewing your shopping habits, saving money and avoiding buying unnecessary things are small ways to avoid this.

Pain in the pelvis

Fear of change can manifest itself through stiffness or pain in the pelvis. Worry about the future or impending change can cause this pain.
To alleviate it, the best thing will be to make a decision and try to occupy the mind with other activities that help to distract us. One way or another, taking a step into the future is the key to preventing this pain from becoming chronic.

Knees hurt

Being too self-centered or feeling superior in some areas sometimes results in bad knees.
Humility and knowing how to recognize the work of others is a way to maintain balance.

Foot pain

Foot pain physical pain

An overload of negative emotions and a lack of moments of joy are one of the causes of chronic foot pain. 

Depression, excessive worry about the problems of others, and stress from too much work are the trigger for this type of pain.

Soaking your feet in warm water and salt is a great way to relax, but  for a radical solution, we recommend healthy activities that are a source of well-being. Having a good time with your family, playing with a child or a pet are some of the ways to relieve such a burden.

The links between physical pain and emotional problems that we have mentioned are based on the analysis of the specialists consulted by the site More studies will be needed to confirm these relationships, but it is still good to take them into account when trying to treat or prevent the onset of physical pain. 

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