Strengthening Bones And Joints: Tips And Treatment

Discover a delicious all-natural recipe to strengthen bones and joints
Strengthening bones and joints: tips and treatment

To strengthen bones and joints, natural alternatives can be used which can be used as supplements or main treatment, as appropriate.

It is important to be attentive to the ailments and pains that arise,  to prevent them from prolonging over time and forcing us to abandon daily activities.

It is known that the organism tends to a progressive deterioration with the passing of the years. Bone and joint pain often occurs as a result of inflammatory processes, infections, trauma and a wide variety of chronic diseases.

When this happens, only after consulting the specialist, it is possible to resort to various methods to strengthen them.

In addition to medical treatments, most of the alternatives for strengthening bones and joints consist of adopting correct habits and natural remedies that help prevent possible complications.

In nature there are several sources that provide great benefits to our health.  It is no coincidence that many laboratory drugs are based on natural ingredients. This is the case with plants, seeds, oils, etc.

Strengthening bones and joints: tips and treatments

Man at the beach with a cramp

A natural alternative to strengthen bones and joints

Below we propose a natural treatment that contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients that strengthen bones and reduce joint pain.

In this sense, it combines the properties of the seeds with honey, raisins and jelly to reduce inflammation and pain.

This natural treatment is rich in natural enzymes, fibers and amino acids, which are useful for strengthening bones and joints while reducing pain. In addition, it provides the following benefits:  

  • Calcium and magnesium, essential minerals that help maintain bone density, especially when you tend to suffer from breaks.
  • It provides small amounts of potassium, one of the nutrients that balance sodium levels and prevent water retention.
  • It offers an important amount of omega 3 fatty acids which, as many know, reduce tissue inflammation and circulatory problems.
  • Its high biological value proteins, together with its vitamins and antioxidants, guarantee the adequate production of collagen to protect the joints.
  • It is energizing when a regular and orderly intake is maintained. In this way, its effect improves physical and mental performance throughout the day.

Recipe for strengthening bones and joints

Natural remedy for bones and joints


  • 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds.
  • two tablespoons of sesame seeds.
  • 2 tablespoons of tasteless gelatin.
  • 5 tablespoons of flax seeds.
  • 3 tablespoons of raisins.
  • 1 cup of honey.


First of all, the seeds are put in the blender and the tasteless gelatin is added together with the raisins and honey. Blend all the ingredients for 2 or 3 minutes, until the mixture is smooth and free of lumps.

Then pour into a container with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

Mode of consumption

  • Consume preferably on an empty stomach.
  • Repeat the consumption before lunch and, if desired, even before dinner.
  • Consume for a considerable period of time for it to take effect.
  • The remedy can be diluted in half a cup of warm water to facilitate its consumption.
  • Store in the refrigerator (no later than two months).

Further advice

Glass of water

To optimize the results of this natural treatment, correct eating habits must be maintained. In this sense, it is also recommended to:  

  • Limit your consumption of carbonated drinks, junk food, sodium, and sugar.
  • Increase your portions of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.
  • Drink plant-based milk (preferably with added calcium and magnesium) to strengthen bones and joints.
  • In case of inflammation and water retention, be sure to take plenty of water and diuretic drinks.
  • Combine a healthy diet with a physical training program in accordance with your physical needs and abilities.

Do you experience pain and heaviness in the joints? Are you worried about suffering from bone problems? Prepare this natural remedy, it will be a great ally to keep you strong and healthy.

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