8 Things That Make Life Harder

Life is hard enough without having to complicate it yourself with attitudes that lead us nowhere and that, instead of helping us, drag us into misery. 
8 things that make life more difficult

Each person has to face certain situations at a given moment that test their physical and mental abilities. Even if we always try to feel good, life presents us with challenges that, over time, we need to mature and become stronger. Here’s how not to make our life even more difficult.

In fact, sometimes we see difficulties where there are none and we create obstacles that prevent us from moving forward. The problem is that we are not always aware of this and allow these obstacles to absorb part of our energy without thinking about the damage they cause.

For this reason, it is important to know which of these negative factors depend solely on our attitude and when we need to cut ourselves off in order to move forward. In this article we want to share with you the 8 things that make life unnecessarily difficult for us. Do not miss them!

1. Seeing bad intentions where there are none

arguing and making life more difficult

Sometimes our friends or people close to us carry out actions that, unwittingly, cause us extreme suffering.  The fact that they see others without us, that they decide to be alone for a while or that they make decisions without taking us into account, somehow makes us suspect their intentions.

But why do we interpret these attitudes negatively? Happy people don’t take things personally and know that everyone needs their space.

2. Making comparisons makes life more difficult

Comparing ourselves to other people or envying their success is one of the worst habits for our emotional health.  Looking around and thinking that others are better off than us generates negative feelings which, in the end, only steal our time and happiness.

3. Life is harder if you don’t want to go any further

look out the window

All the experiences we live, however negative they may seem, also bring positive things to our life. Obstacles are always in our way, just like mistakes, but that doesn’t mean they always involve negative things.

Taking a different point of view and having the ability to look beyond difficulties not only allows you to overcome problems, but also helps to make better decisions.

Focusing on something positive, accepting mistakes and seeing the simple part of what seems complicated are ways of lightening the load that makes our journey difficult.

4. Wait for “a signal”

While it would be nice, we will never get a signal that it is time to make a decision. While hunches or particular situations can help, waiting for them to happen wastes us precious time.

Opportunities are always ready to be seized, but it is still necessary to seek them and strive to reach them without being paralyzed waiting for the divine signal that prompts us to take action.

5. Not taking risks makes life more difficult

more difficult life and freedom

Fears and comfort zones are the main enemies of those who want to initiate meaningful change. If we don’t risk it, we will be paralyzed for fear of the consequences and we will be stuck in the same spot without ever moving forward.

Instead of waiting for something that gives us some confidence, it’s worth taking on the challenges and risking it all without repenting. Embrace what life offers you!

6. Having unrealistic expectations

Waiting for an answer, an attitude or a situation that does not necessarily have to materialize is a very common mistake. Unrealistic expectations generate frustration and therefore make us more unhappy. While it’s wonderful when they come true, it’s best to be moderate.

7. Let others steal our time

white fairy

Toxic people always find a way to take away our time and possibly also our energy. These people hinder our ideals, do everything in their power to prevent us from realizing  ourselves and constitute a real burden on our life.

Selfishness, negativity and envy very often disguise themselves as “friendship” and, even if it hurts us, it generates great difficulties and suffering.

8. Wanting to be nice to everyone

Despite the good intentions that move us, we cannot be liked by everyone. Wanting to please everyone is really exhausting, especially when there are obvious personality differences.

The best thing is to be tolerant of others and push away those who, for some reason, have decided to have negative feelings towards us. Are you ready to eliminate all these attitudes from your life? Try to correct them as soon as possible and you will realize how much they hinder you.

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