Aloe Vera In Case Of Gastritis: 5 Good Reasons To Consume It

Thanks to its gelatinous consistency and its numerous nutrients, aloe vera gel helps us to calm the symptoms of gastritis and to heal damaged tissues in a short time.
Aloe vera in case of gastritis: 5 good reasons to consume it

The intake of aloe vera gel contributes to our well-being and our health not only in case of gastritis, but in numerous aspects. Although it is almost entirely composed of water, it also contains a large amount of amino acids, enzymes and minerals that act favorably on our body.

In this way it guarantees its perfect functioning. However, we must not forget that, in the event of any ailment, it will always be up to our doctor to have the last word regarding the most appropriate treatment to follow.

The aloe vera gel, however, remains an excellent ally to supplement the treatment that has been prescribed to us, being a natural ingredient capable of relieving many ailments.

An example of this is gastritis, of which almost everyone knows the annoying and painful symptoms. The lining of the stomach becomes inflamed and symptoms such as painful twinges, general malaise and loss of appetite appear. It is not usually a serious disease, but in some cases it can become chronic.

Furthermore, there is an ever-increasing number of people suffering from so-called psychosomatic gastritis : in these cases, stress and anxiety directly affect our stomach, also known as the “second brain”.

In any case, regardless of the causes that can cause gastritis, aloe vera gel is an excellent cure-all that is always worth having on hand. In this article we want to talk about the benefits of this plant.

The benefits of aloe vera gel in case of gastritis

Aloe vera is one of the most suitable plants to treat any type of intestinal ailment. This beneficial effect is due to its great anti-inflammatory, sedating and healing power.

Until recently, the pharmaceutical industry used its gel to treat skin-related problems. Ailments such as eczema or sunburn, in fact, significantly improve after applying a layer of this gel.

Aloe vera

Today, various studies are underway regarding the possible beneficial effects of taking aloe vera gel. At the Linus Pauling Institute,  a medical scientific institute in Oregon, in the United States, they began studying its composition as early as 1985.

Thanks to numerous studies carried out to date, it has been concluded that taking aloe vera gel as a supplement to our diet can help us to:

  • Improve digestion.
  • Treating irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Relieve gastritis and its symptoms.

We want to remind you once again that it is a question of taking the gel of this plant as a food supplement which, therefore, cannot and must never be considered as a substitute for the medicines and treatments that have been prescribed to us by our doctor.

It is not, therefore, a real medicine, but simply a valid help to relieve discomfort and accelerate the improvement of our physical conditions. So let’s see what are the benefits of aloe vera gel.

1. Treats the inflamed mucous membranes of the intestine

Aloe vera belongs to the  Asphodelaceae or Liliaceae family. One of its best therapeutic properties is, undoubtedly, its ability to act on inflamed tissues.

  • Aloe vera reduces inflammation by blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins. The latter are cyclopentanoic acids, involved in the painful processes of inflammation and infections.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera gel promote tissue healing and, in turn, stimulate our immune system. Thanks to this action and its enzymes, it is able to act positively on the mucous membranes of the stomach, inflamed due to gastritis.

2. Aloe vera is a powerful antibacterial

Gastritis, in many cases, is caused by a specific bacterium: Helicobacter pylori. Although it is an extremely resistant bacterium, aloe vera is able to curb its activity and block its proliferation.

Regular intake of aloe vera gel in case of gastritis stimulates our immune system, making it capable of successfully dealing with any microorganism. In fact, monocytes and histiocytes are activated to treat all kinds of viruses or bacteria.

Helicobacter pylori

3. Aloe vera is a good pain reliever

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa causes painful discomfort. In addition, during gastritis episodes, stomach pains and cramps often appear, accompanied by a rather annoying feeling of emptiness.

The aloe vera gel regenerates the gastric mucous membranes of the intestine  thanks to its collagen fibers. This is a very important property especially for those suffering from erosive gastritis.

Thanks to the angiogenesis favored by allantoin, and its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, we will also be able to relieve the symptoms of this disorder and find some relief. It is really worth considering.

4. Aloe vera provides useful nutrients when gastritis causes loss of appetite

It is normal to lose appetite during episodes of gastritis. Inflammation, indigestion, cramps and diarrhea cause a general state of malaise in which it is normal to feel inappetent.

  • In this case, a glass of warm water with a spoonful of aloe vera dissolved with a few drops of lemon juice will be of great help.
  • In fact, aloe vera contains numerous vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E), choline, folic acid and minerals (calcium, chromium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium and silicon).

All these elements will provide us with the minimum supply of nutrients necessary for our body to stay in good condition even on the days when we have less appetite and eat less.

Stomach pains

5. Aloe vera reduces fever

Not all people experience the same symptoms during a gastritis episode. This can be accompanied by:

  • He retched
  • Chills
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Temperature

In a case of gastritis of this type, taking aloe vera gel will help us to bring down the temperature, thanks to its antipyretic properties. As we described in point four, we can dissolve the aloe vera gel in warm water and drink two glasses a day.

Remember that, during an episode of gastritis, it is important to always stay well hydrated, rest and if the symptoms do not improve, contact your doctor immediately.

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