Get Rid Of A Double Chin With 7 Exercises

In this article we want to share with you some simple exercises to do every day to get rid of a double chin.
Get rid of the double chin with 7 exercises

It’s time to talk about ways to get rid of a double chin. It is a relatively small part of the body, but not for this not important, both aesthetically and medically.

The accumulation of fat in this area of ​​the body is poorly viewed from an aesthetic point of view, but it can also represent a cardio-metabolic risk.

Apart from the accumulation of fats in this area, there may also be a loss of tone and, therefore, of the “sagging” skin. Fortunately, there is a solution that does not include any type of surgery to get rid of the double chin , which also takes care of the aesthetic aspect.

In case you are overweight, the double chin will be reduced by losing a few pounds and simply doing some exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck and face. Below we present some of them.

Get rid of the double chin by applying pressure with the tongue

Start by sitting with your back straight and your shoulders relaxed or down. Then stretch your neck (pull your head back, as if you were looking at the ceiling).

From this position,  press your tongue on the upper and back palate as you bend your head forward (trying to touch the chest with the chin).

Do this without stopping putting pressure with your tongue on the upper palate. Relax your tongue and return to the starting position. Do twenty repetitions a day.

Pucker the lips to get rid of the double chin

A kiss with lipstick

This exercise can be done both sitting and standing. Make your lower lip stick out as far as possible while making a pouting expression and contracting your neck.

Then, contracting the muscles of the neck, bend the head bringing the chin against the chest. Do this exercise without arching your back or shrugging your shoulders. Finally, return to the starting position and repeat about twenty times a day.

The “O”

As with the previous exercises, this must be done with a straight back and relaxed shoulders. Extend your neck by throwing your head back, close your lips trying to take the shape of an “o”.

Keep your lips closed in an “o” shape while holding the neck relaxing position for about twenty seconds. Return to the starting position and do ten repetitions a day.

“Kiss” the ceiling

This time the exercise is done standing and letting the arms fall to the sides. From this position, straighten your neck by throwing your head back and looking up at the ceiling.

Now start to pursue your lips as if you were trying to kiss the ceiling, trying to stretch your lips as much as possible and feeling the hardening of the muscles of the neck and chin.

Try to hold the position of the lips for at least five seconds and return to the starting position. Do about five repetitions a day.

Rotation of the neck to get rid of the double chin

Neck rotation

The rotation of the neck can be done while sitting or standing. Stretch your spine as much as possible and then bring your chin to one shoulder and then to the other.

Draw a semicircle as you go from one shoulder to the other, passing through the chest. Make sure your shoulders are in a relaxed position for the duration of the exercise. Do ten repetitions a day.

On one side

For this exercise, start from the following position: sitting on the ground, place one hand on the floor and place it ten centimeters from your side.

With your right hand above your head, grasp the left side and rest your ear on your shoulder while applying light pressure with your hand.

Do this exercise for ten seconds and then switch hands and sides, doing it the same way. Repeat three times a day.

The vowel game is useful for getting rid of the double chin

Woman screaming


Standing upright and with your back straight, try to pronounce all the vowels slowly and clearly, keeping your mouth wide open. This exercise should be repeated as many times as possible.

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