Infusions For Weight Loss: Here Are The 5 Best

If you want to get rid of the fat that accumulates in various areas of the body, choose cinnamon or tea, red or green. The ponytail and rooibos eliminate liquids and make you lose weight, but do not reduce fat tissue.
Infusions for weight loss: here are the 5 best

Infusions and herbal teas have many properties that can help us lose weight in a short time, provided that we also follow a correct and balanced diet.

It has been shown, in fact, that there are some useful infusions for weight loss, since they have a “fat burning”, diuretic or anxiolytic effect and for this reason they are valid allies when you want to lose a few pounds.

In this article we present some of the most used infusions for weight loss  .

Infusions for weight loss: red tea (or Chinese red tea or Pu-Erh)

It is an ancient infusion, of oriental origin, which has recently been spreading also in the West for its “fat burning” properties. Red tea also helps detoxify the body thanks to its antioxidant power, strengthens the immune system and reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

It is said that by drinking three to four cups of red tea a day, people who are consistently overweight can lose up to nine pounds. Those who are moderately overweight could lose up to six pounds; finally, those who are slightly overweight up to three kilos.

Infusion based on cinnamon


Studies have shown that cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels and decrease the body’s resistance to insulin. Cinnamon also speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite. For this reason, cinnamon tea is useful for fighting overweight and obesity.

Instead of the infusion, if you prefer you can add a teaspoon of cinnamon to a low-fat yogurt for breakfast or as a snack. This will make it easier for you to incorporate cinnamon into your daily meals.

Infusions for weight loss: green tea

Although green tea is known to be a powerful antioxidant, it can also help people who wish to lose weight. A study carried out by the American Society for the Science of Nutrition in 2009 revealed that drinking two cups of green tea a day can reduce the waistline, improve the ratio of hip to waist measurements, body mass index, and therefore, to reduce the accumulated fat.

The slimming effect is due to the catechins and theine present in green tea, which are thought to accelerate metabolism, contributing to weight loss, provided that those who drink it also follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

Horsetail tea and South African red tea (or rooibos tea)

Studies carried out on these two types of tea show that they have a certain diuretic power, so they can be used to avoid fluid retention.

By cleansing yourself of liquids, you will also lose weight, up to reducing your measurements. However, you must keep in mind that the amount of fat in your body will not decrease.

Other useful infusions

Valerian plant

There are many other infusions that can help you lose weight. For example, many people overeat when they are anxious. Linden tea and valerian tea calm anxiety, so indirectly they can also help you lose weight.

The infusion of fucus helps to maintain the feeling of satiety for longer. This way, you eat less and lose faster.

Now you know that there are some infusions that can be excellent allies for losing weight, which you can use whenever you want.

However , remember to drink these infusions in moderation and, before starting to take them, consult your doctor if you suffer from any illness or have serious health problems.

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