How To Prepare A Detox Infusion Based On Garlic And Ginger

Both garlic and ginger have anti-inflammatory, diuretic and purifying properties, but they can also help fight other diseases, while strengthening our immune system.
How to prepare a detox infusion based on garlic and ginger

Lately, the word “detox” has been on many people’s lips, but there are still some who don’t quite know what it refers to.

Before we talk to you about an interesting detox tea, therefore, we want to explain this term clearly. It refers to  a process by which to stimulate the general cleansing of the organism, thanks to the elimination of toxins, liquids and other substances that prevent its proper functioning.

Now that we’ve clarified this, we want to share with you a simple recipe for making a garlic and ginger drink.  Its properties help strengthen the immune system and, at the same time, purify the body to optimize the work of the main organs.

What is the garlic and ginger detox tea?

The infusion of garlic and ginger is a 100% natural tea that combines the properties of these two very popular ingredients, with the aim of obtaining a drink that can detoxify the body and is also a source of other incredible benefits.

Both spices are part of the list of foods rich in antioxidant, diuretic and purifying powers. Their effects on the body facilitate the elimination of all those residues that accumulate when good lifestyle habits are not adopted.

Benefits of garlic

Detox effect of garlic

The part of the garlic plant used is its bulb, what most of us call the “clove”.

Its medicinal properties are widely recognized and, since ancient times, have been used to treat cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory problems.

Among its more specific benefits we find the following:

  • It improves blood circulation and has an anticoagulant action.
  • Regulates cholesterol levels, controls blood pressure and triglycerides.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Its antiseptic action makes it a good remedy to disinfect the skin in case of wounds, burns or stings.
  • It fights infections that often affect the respiratory system.
  • It can reduce the toxicity caused by heavy metals.
  • It has a useful antibiotic effect against intestinal bacteria.
  • Its purifying effect helps to filter the toxins present in the blood and facilitate their elimination to prevent diseases.
  • It contains a significant amount of antioxidants that protect us from premature aging and oxidative damage.
  • It is an excellent remedy for cold and flu symptoms.
  • It has a diuretic action that favors the elimination of water retention in the tissues.

Benefits of ginger

Powdered ginger

The used part of the ginger is the rhizome. It contains a substance known as gingerol, the active constituent that gives ginger most of its medicinal powers.

It is a natural source of essential oils, minerals, amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants that make it one of the healthiest spices in the world. Its main properties are the following:

  • It prevents cardiovascular diseases and blood circulation disorders.
  • Thanks to its ability to block the effects of prostagladin, it is great for reducing the symptoms of migraines.
  • Reduces dizziness and dizziness.
  • It works by protecting the body from colds and flu, as it promotes the expulsion of phlegm, although it is not recommended to use ginger in case of fever because it increases body temperature.
  • Its anti-inflammatory action makes it one of the best alternative remedies to relieve rheumatic, menstrual and joint pain.
  • It has an antidepressant effect and reduces stress.
  • It works against free radicals to prevent premature aging.
  • It helps fight abdominal fat, as it is anti-inflammatory and accelerates the metabolism.
  • It has anticarcinogenic properties.

Recipe for preparing a garlic and ginger infusion

Garlic and ginger infusion recipe

The preparation of this simple infusion does not take long and you can repeat it regularly to make the most of its properties.

Since in this case our goal is to detoxify the body, we recommend that you drink a cup of tea every day on an empty stomach, for at least two weeks in a row.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 small ginger root
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 lemon (optional)
  • 1 jar or glass container with lid


  • Bring the water to a boil and pour it into the glass bowl to mix it with the finely chopped ginger root and garlic.
  • Depending on your taste, you can cut lemon slices and add them to the drink.
  • Leave to infuse overnight and start drinking the infusion the following morning.

As with many other natural remedies, the effects of this drink are not immediate and usually start to notice from the third day. For this reason, we advise you to be patient and swallow the infusion following the instructions listed above.

Enjoy this potent brew and see how a healthier, toxin-free body feels.

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