Natural Remedies To Eliminate Intestinal Gas

Chamomile and aniseed tea, taken regularly, can help relax the stomach and reduce gas pain.
Natural remedies to eliminate intestinal gas

One of the big problems with the digestive system is flatulence or intestinal gas, which can be caused by a wide range of factors. This problem also affects many people, regardless of age.

Among the causes of this problem are, for example, eating too many spicy foods, suffering from stress (it produces a lot of acid) and sucking in a lot of air while eating. Similarly, gases and their unpleasant odor can be caused by different foods we eat every day and which, being heavy, can cause this reaction.

What produces intestinal gas?


Whole milk is a great gas producer. There are people who are very sensitive to this food and cannot consume it. It is recommended to drink lactose-free or skimmed milk in order to avoid this inconvenience.


People suffering from constipation are more likely to have episodes of flatulence or gas as intestinal transit is too slow and there is an accumulation of waste substances in the body.

Homemade remedies to control gas production

The root of ginger

ginger root

Drinking ginger tea, taking a teaspoon of grated ginger before meals or adding small amounts of dried or fresh ginger to ready-made dishes effectively helps to control and alleviate the problem of intestinal gas.


It is a spice that can be added to foods that can usually cause gas. It has the ability to stimulate proper digestion avoiding the gases and colic that these can produce.

The garlic

Garlic contains among its ingredients two main products that have the task of acting in favor of health.  These are allicin and sulfur.
Garlic contains among its ingredients two main products that have the task of acting in favor of health. These are allicin and sulfur.

Garlic is another food that can be used as a homemade remedy, very useful for improving digestion and controlling intestinal gas. To ensure that the effect is the desired one, it is important to use it fresh, either alone or added to food as an additional condiment.

Dandelion tea

It is a very common medicinal plant with numerous benefits for many health problems. Among these benefits are those associated with digestion, since drinking tea just before main meals avoids excess gas. It can also be added to ready-made dishes as a spice to season them, but in this case it must be dried and chopped.


Parsley is great for controlling intestinal gas production

Parsley, fresh or dried, added to food is a very effective home remedy for controlling intestinal gas production.

Activated carbon

Coal can absorb the air in the intestine which causes flatulence. It is recommended to take this supplement before each meal to prevent gas formation.

Lemon juice

lemon juice

Lemon possesses a great deal of healing properties that can be applied to a good number of diseases, mainly those that have to do with the digestive tract. If you get into the habit of drinking lemon juice before and after each meal, you may notice an almost immediate change in gas production.


Chamomile tea has the ability to relax the stomach, thus helping to avoid the formation of large amounts of gas and improving digestive activity in a natural and effective way.

The infusion of anise

aniseed infusion

Anise has the ability to eliminate gas and stomach pain that these can cause. To prepare this infusion, boil a cup of water, reduce the heat and add a tablespoon of powdered anise. Let it rest and drink. This preparation must be done every day in order to reduce intestinal gas.

Further advice

Take probiotic foods

Consuming foods that contain probiotics or a probiotic supplement is a great idea for improving gas symptoms and also helps keep the colon and the body in general good health.

Hot water compresses

If you have a large accumulation of gas that you are unable to evacuate in any way, you can heat a good amount of water in which you will then put a towel. Squeeze it to remove excess water and place it on your abdomen. Repeat this process until the abdomen is relaxed and the pain is gone.

As you can see, there are many ways to avoid and relieve gas. What you need to do is decide which treatment is most convenient for you and do it consistently to get the desired results. You will surely notice improvements right away!

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