Benefits And Risks Of Crossfit To Know

Crossfit is a sport that offers many benefits if practiced correctly. But it is also important to know the risks. Find out everything there is to know.
Benefits and risks of crossfit to know

Crossfit is a high intensity sport discipline spread all over the world. Initially born to prepare athletes, today it has adapted to every type of need. Do you know the benefits and risks of crossfit?

This type of training is interesting for those who want to lose weight, increase muscle mass and endurance, however it is not free from disadvantages that need to be considered. Let’s see what they are.

What is crossfit?

Before knowing the benefits and risks of crossfit, it is important to understand what it consists of.

It is a type of training based on constantly varied exercises, with functional movements performed in a predetermined period of time and which usually does not exceed 50 minutes.

Activities include cardiovascular exercises, weight lifting and strength exercises . Furthermore, with crossfit we intend to explore the abilities and physical abilities of the person.

However, it is necessary to have a sufficient degree of training, flexibility, balance and muscular and respiratory endurance.

At the same time, it requires proper biomechanics of movement; a poor execution of the exercises, in fact, can cause injuries to the spine, joints and other parts of the body. 

So what are the benefits and risks of crossfit?

Weightlifting with barbell

Benefits and Risks of Crossfit

Although crossfit is thrilling millions of people around the world, its practice is still controversial. Many benefits have been confirmed by research, it is true, but the numerous cases of injuries with serious consequences have led to the belief that it is a dangerous sport.

Benefits of crossfit

Contrary to what many think, crossfit is not a training reserved for high-performance athletes. It is currently being promoted as a practice open to most people.

However, it must always be adapted to the physical abilities of the individual. Training for a person who is not exactly in good physical condition is different from that recommended for those who practice sports regularly or are used to intense physical exertion.

For this reason it is important to ask your doctor for advice and evaluate your potential before starting physical activity.

Given these premises and respecting the biomechanics of the movement of the exercises, crossfit offers interesting benefits. For example: 

  • Increases cardiovascular and respiratory endurance.
  • Increase physical stamina.
  • Enhance coordination skills and balance.
  • Improve mood and self-esteem.
  • Helps to increase muscle mass.
  • Helps to lose weight (it is considered a fat burning sport).
  • It improves social relationships because it is often practiced in a group.

Risks of crossfit

As we have anticipated, the practice of crossfit can be dangerous when you do not pay due attention. Anyone who does not assess their health in advance or undergoes exhausting sessions without having sufficient resistance, exposes themselves to the risk of:

  • Injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones.
  • Spine injuries.
  • Debilitation and prolonged fatigue.
  • Alterations of the cardiovascular system, including increased blood pressure.
  • Rhabdomyolysis, a disorder that involves the breakdown of muscle tissue. The release of muscle components into the blood causes disorders such as kidney failure and arrhythmia.
Physical examination of the spine
A physical exam allows you to locate lesions and determine their severity.

Advice for those who want to practice crossfit

To practice crossfit safely, you need to follow some precautions. First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the state of health and the presence of any disorders. The advice not to perform high intensity exercises in case of illness should never be underestimated. 

It is equally important to rely on a good instructor specialized in this discipline. This ensures that you are performing the exercises correctly and reduces the risk of injury.

  • Start with light sessions, suited to your physical condition.
  • Increase the intensity of the exercises gradually.
  • Take the necessary time for rest and recovery.
  • Make sure you are well hydrated.
  • Maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Do warm-up and stretching exercises before starting the session.

Would you like to practice this sport? Take into account the pros and cons and see if it’s right for you. And don’t forget to ask for advice before joining the gym.

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