Concussion In Children

Concussion is a mild traumatic injury that results in the temporary alteration of normal brain functions.
Concussion in children

Concussion is caused by trauma or a blow to the head, causing the brain to move quickly and violently back and forth within the skull.

In today’s article, we will discuss in more detail the characteristics, symptoms and treatment of concussion brain in children.

Concussion symptoms

Symptoms of a concussion may be mild and not manifest until 24 to 48 hours after the injury. Recognizing them is quite complicated in the case of infants and very young children, as they are unable to describe what they feel.

Among the signs that can indicate a concussion, we find:

  • Difficulty with balance and coordination : Unstable gait or difficulty performing simple tasks such as playing with a ball.
  • Slight confusion or lightheadedness.
  • Loss of memory (amnesia).
  • Fatigue.
  • Appearing sad or more sensitive than usual.
  • Show signs of anxiety or irritation with no apparent cause.
  • Difficulty falling asleep.
  • Sleep disturbances (the baby sleeps too much or too little).
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Excessive crying.
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities.
Crying baby

Worsening of symptoms

If the child has hit his head and you suspect that a concussion may have occurred, but there are no symptoms, it is possible that it is only a minor injury and that does not need treatment or medical evaluation.

If, however, you observe one of the symptoms listed above as the hours go by, contact your general practitioner or the emergency room promptly, so that they can make a correct diagnosis and establish the necessary tests and treatments.

Instead, it will be imperative to contact your doctor or call the emergency service in the following cases:

  • Recurrent vomiting.
  • Convulsions
  • Vertigo and obvious loss of balance.
  • Severe headaches.
  • The child does not wake up.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Confusional state (the child does not recognize people familiar to him).
  • Babbling and speech difficulties (in children who usually speak fluently).
  • Visual disturbances: dilated pupils, blurred vision (not recognizing objects).
  • Hematomas and thick bumps on the head, swelling and burning (especially in newborns).

Concussion Diagnosis

When in doubt, it is extremely important to consult your doctor promptly. A concussion diagnosed in time and treated correctly will not cause any harm to the baby’s health.

Conversely, if you don’t pay attention to the symptoms and act in time, the concussion can cause brain damage, with dire consequences for both motor functions and cognitive and sensory development.

For the diagnosis of this injury, the doctor will proceed with a thorough evaluation of the functions of the nervous system : balance, coordination and reflex tests.

It may also require imaging tests (CT, MRI) to determine the degree of involvement of the brain and adjacent structures.

Doctor with child


Treatment will depend on the severity of the injury and the characteristics of the child. If your doctor does not request hospitalization, they are likely to prescribe a series of recommendations to follow at home:

  • Rest. Stop any activity that involves physical exertion for the duration of the time indicated by the doctor and in cases where the child still exhibits symptoms; so as to avoid further trauma and not prolong the healing period.
  • Avoid any kind of cognitive activity : it is recommended not to send the child to school or daycare for the period in which the symptoms occur, so that they do not get worse.
  • Gradual introduction of daily activities.
  • Take large amounts of fluids and avoid foods that are too fatty or unhealthy.

It is of fundamental importance to pay close attention to any changes that the child presents within 48 hours of the injury. If it gets worse or any of the symptoms get worse, see your doctor again.

Post concussion syndrome

Most children undergoing proper treatment recover completely from concussion. However, there are cases where they can work against post concussion syndrome.

This syndrome is characterized by the manifestation of the typical symptoms of this injury even after the expected recovery time.

Why the symptoms persist over time in some people is not entirely clear. But in general, it does not depend on the severity of the trauma. The incidence of symptoms may be related to having recently or repeatedly suffered other episodes of concussion.

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