The Right Way To Clean Your Ears

Even if it is possible to treat the problem of plugged ears at home, it is recommended to contact an ENT, so that he can visit you and prescribe the most suitable treatment.
The right way to clean your ears

Under normal conditions, cleaning the ears is not necessary. The ears, in fact, clean themselves naturally.

However, there are occasions when there is an increase in ear wax, which could block or clog the ear causing discomfort, such as strange sounds, which do not allow you to hear well.

For this reason it is necessary to know how to clean the ears correctly and extract the excess earwax produced.

Symptoms of Excess Earwax

 To find out if you have ear plugs, check the following symptoms:

  • pain and hearing loss
  • buzzing and whistling in the ear
  • itching and foul-smelling discharge

Home remedies to clean the ears

Clean the ears

Fortunately, there are a number of natural home remedies that are very effective if you need to get rid of excess ear wax. The most used are the following:

1. Massage to soften ear wax plugs

To soften the ear plug blocking the ear canal, it is necessary to massage the back of the ear. Then you have to pull it in different directions, opening and closing the mouth at the same time.

2. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (or hydrogen peroxide) is recommended both for relieving pain and for cleaning the ears and eliminating excessive accumulation of earwax. The procedure is as follows:

  • Pour half a cup of warm water into a bowl.
  • Add half a cup of hydrogen peroxide and fill a dropper.
  • Lie down, pour a few drops into the plugged ear and leave for 3-5 minutes.
  • Turn your head so that the liquid comes out.
  • Rinse the ear with the same procedure, but this time only with warm water.

An alternative: you can also use baby oil instead of hydrogen peroxide.

3. Olive oil

In this case, you follow the same procedure described above, but you use lukewarm olive oil.

Leave it on for five minutes and repeat three times a day for three to four days.

4. Hot water bottle

To make this simple but effective home remedy,  you just need to take a bottle and fill it with hot water.

  • Take the bottle (hot or warm) and place it directly on the affected ear for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • You will notice that the earwax will be softer and easier to clean.

5. Ear irrigation

On the market you can easily find special syringes to carry out an ear wash.

This operation must be carried out with warm water, at body temperature. After you have done the irrigation of the affected ear, let it dry well.

6. Chamomile tea to wash the ear

For this remedy, you need to use two tablespoons of chamomile flowers and a glass of water. Then prepare the infusion and let it rest until it is lukewarm. Then filter it.

Before applying it, put three drops of olive oil in your ear and let it sit for five minutes. Then rinse the ear with the infusion you have just prepared, using a dropper or a special syringe.

If the problem persists, consult a specialist to arrange for a more specific ear wash.

Precautions for cleaning the ears

Clean the ears of ear wax

When you have discomfort in your ears,  never try to clean them by introducing foreign objects. Cotton swabs are completely contraindicated for this purpose, indeed they can make the problem worse by pushing the earwax plug deeper.

  • If you have a perforated eardrum, never try to clean the earwax using home remedies or washing with hydrogen peroxide drops as they could cause serious damage to your ears.
  • You do not have to use pressure irrigators to clean the ears, as there is a risk of perforating the eardrum. Also, keep in mind that too frequent ear washing can lead to infections.
  • None of the home remedies we have presented to you should be used for children under the age of twelve. In case you suspect they have a wax plug, it is best to see a doctor.


You must remember that ear wax in the ear is necessary to protect it from dust, microorganisms and any other foreign particles that can enter the ear canal and cause you some damage.

For this reason, washing is recommended only in cases of real need (in the event that there is a plug due to an excess of earwax).

If you have ear plugs very frequently, consult an otolaryngologist. The specialist will choose the treatment to follow to solve the problem adequately.

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