Foods That Are Good For Health, 9 Combinations

Foods that are good for health, 9 combinations

Do you want to have healthier skin, stronger bones or a more defined silhouette? Then add these healthy food combinations to your diet .

Green tea and lemon for a healthy heart

Green tea is associated with a lower risk of heart attacks because it contains catechol, a powerful antioxidant. Catechol is a compound that our body produces in minimal quantities and what is there is not absorbed properly.

The good news is that scientists have found that just adding lemon juice to a cup of green tea increases the presence of catechol in the body and improves its absorption by 80%.

Foods that are good for health: tomato and broccoli against cancer

Broccoli has a high content of vitamin C and dietary fiber.  In addition, broccoli contains several nutrients with great anticarcinogenic properties.
Broccoli has a high content of vitamin C and dietary fiber. In addition, broccoli contains several nutrients with great anticarcinogenic properties.

The combination of broccoli and tomatoes improves health and prevents the appearance of cancer. A recent study showed that consuming these two foods together increases the cancer prevention effect and decreases the symptoms of some types of cancer.

Specifically, the study was conducted on a group of prostate cancer patients, but it is thought that the positive effect of the combination of broccoli and tomatoes may also apply to other types of cancer.

We recommend that you consume one and a half cups of broccoli along with two and a half cups of fresh tomatoes or one cup of tomato juice. There are several recipes you can prepare; pizzas, salads, juices, soups, etc.

Red peppers and black beans to improve iron absorption

Iron is present in beans in large quantities and is better absorbed by the bones if other foods rich in vitamin C are also consumed, such as red peppers.

Furthermore, the amount of iron that this combination of foods provides is three times higher than that provided by meat. IS Just consume half a cup of sliced ​​red peppers with half a cup of black beans.

Eggs and mango for firmer skin


Do you want to improve the appearance and elasticity of your skin? So try to eat eggs and mangoes because they are very good for your health. Eggs are rich in amino acids essential for the formation of collagen in the skin.

On the other hand, foods rich in vitamin C, such as mangoes, work with these acids to increase collagen production. The combination of these two foods helps to regenerate the skin, improving its appearance and elasticity.

You can opt for a breakfast of omelettes and a cup of mango, in this way the effect of these two foods will last all day.

Green tea and black pepper for weight loss

There are many diets based on foods that do not always give the desired effect and that are not as effective as green tea with a pinch of pepper. A study has shown that these two foods naturally increase the calorie-burning effect by 130%.

It should also be remembered that green tea alone has diuretic properties and regulates the hormones responsible for the sensation of appetite and satiety. You can add ¼ teaspoon of black pepper to a cup of green tea.

Red chicory and cabbage for strong bones

Two other foods that are good for our body by improving its health are red radicchio and cabbage. Cabbage is considered a great source of calcium, but when consumed on its own it is insufficient.

To ingest the right amounts of calcium, you need to combine cabbage with red radish, which promotes the absorption of calcium in the intestine. You can prepare a rich smoothie or a salad with half a cup of radicchio and half of cabbage.

Green salad and avocado against UV rays


Human beings need exposure to sunlight for the body to function properly. The problem is that UV rays can cause severe skin damage, but you can avoid them by increasing your consumption of foods that contain carotene.

You can prepare a salad based on carrots, lettuce and spinach. The importance of avocado lies in the natural fat it contains and which facilitates the absorption of carotene by the body.

Whole grains and yogurt to improve digestion

Breakfast itself speeds up your metabolism, so it helps you lose weight. For this to be possible, it is necessary to consume healthy products. Yogurt provides good bacteria that improve digestive tract health.

Cereals, on the other hand, facilitate bowel movements, as long as they are whole grains and without artificial sweeteners, such as oats or wheat.

You can add a quarter cup of your favorite whole grains to a cup of yogurt.

Almonds and apricots for a healthy heart


If you are struggling with bad cholesterol levels that are too high or just want to make sure you have a healthy heart, add a healthy dose of apricots and almonds to your diet.

Almonds reduce oxidation due to cholesterol, while apricots provide a large amount of vitamin C and vitamin E which delay the oxidation of the body.

This combination of foods is a good solution when you are craving something sweet but want to opt for healthy products. It is enough to consume a quarter cup of dehydrated apricots and five almonds.

Combine foods to improve your health

All the foods we have talked about in this article are completely natural, as all the products at the base of your diet should be.

Even if you have a hectic lifestyle and do not always have the time or way to consume certain products, make sure you have at least the essential ones available to be able to enjoy good health.

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