Potentially Carcinogenic Foods: Find Out What They Are

In this article, we will give you a list of potentially carcinogenic foods, if consumed excessively and too often.
Potentially Carcinogenic Foods: Find Out What They Are

According to recent studies, there are some potentially carcinogenic foods that, when eaten regularly, can trigger different types of cancer. We take some of them very often, without knowing the risks they pose to our health.

In this article we explain what these potentially carcinogenic foods are , so that you can limit or eliminate them from your diet, especially if you have family history that puts you at risk of contracting cancer or simply for prevention.

Potentially carcinogenic foods: transgenic foods

In the case of transgenic or genetically modified foods, there are already numerous studies that tell us about the risks they represent for our health, which will manifest themselves more in the coming years, when for many it will be too late.

In the attempt to give life to mass-produced agricultural production, many ethical limits have been overcome. Higher productivity was prioritized rather than higher quality. Furthermore, transgenic foods are related to other health problems such as infertility or allergies.

Some of the best known transgenic foods are soy and corn.  The problem is that we are not only talking about these foods, but also about their flours and other derivatives.

Just think of the fact that  with sugar or corn syrup a large amount of sweets or all foods that contain transgenic soy are prepared,   and which we then assume completely unaware.

We therefore recommend consuming organic foods,  both if they contain soy or corn and in the case of meat, milk and eggs. And remember to always look carefully at the labels with the ingredients.

corn flour

White sugar is among the potentially carcinogenic foods

Although white sugar was once considered a delicacy, nutritionists increasingly refer to it as “white poison”. Some studies confirm that white sugar feeds cancer, since not only does it not bring any benefit to our body, but it deprives it of necessary calcium and acidifies it.

Tumors always appear in acidified soils caused by improper nutrition, stress, bad lifestyle habits, excess toxins, etc.

Furthermore, white sugar contributes to the proliferation of parasites and the tendency to suffer from  pancreatic problems and cardiovascular diseases.

To solve the problem, it is not enough to completely eliminate white sugar from our diet, but also all those foods that contain it: drinks, snacks, cereals, chocolates, candies, etc.

As natural alternatives there are the following, much healthier options:

  • Stevia
  • Honey
  • Molasses
  • Whole cane sugar
  • Panela
  • Agave syrup
  • Cereal syrups
Potentially Carcinogenic Foods Sugar

Refined carbohydrates

By refined carbon hydrates we mean those healthy foods, such as whole grains, to which the fiber has been removed , which is an indispensable part for the food to be digested correctly. On the market there are refined and processed cereals and flours, with which the following foods are processed:

  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Industrial snacks
  • Cookies
  • Pizza base

The habitual consumption of these foods, which in many cases is daily,  can cause colon cancer or breast cancer in the long run; moreover, it also  causes weight gain, acidity, indigestion and constipation.

Conversely,  the consumption of whole foods favors intestinal transit and gives us a greater sense of satiety, so it is ideal to include them in our menus if we want to take care of ourselves and not get fat.

Cereal bread

Concluding recommendations

After analyzing the three major groups of potentially carcinogenic foods (if eaten in a habitual way), we offer you some final tips that will help you put the right precautions into practice:

  • Whenever you can, choose organic food. Even foods called natural without guarantee often contain very cheap and poor quality ingredients that are potentially carcinogenic. Above all, avoid soy, corn and their derivatives.
  • Eliminate white sugar and any type of sugary food from your diet, replacing it with natural sweeteners.
  • Always opt for whole and complete foods, with their natural fiber.

By making this change, you also need to increase your water consumption between meals, as it may be difficult for our bodies to adapt at first and we may suffer from constipation, headache or other ailments. Rest assured: they will disappear in a short time and you will quickly see a great improvement.

Images courtesy of michelle @ TNS, kulinarno and bookchen

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