White Or Wholemeal Bread: Which Is The Best Choice?

Wholemeal bread contains more fiber and offers greater benefits to the gastrointestinal tract, but it is equally important to pay attention to which foods we accompany it.
White or wholemeal bread: which is the best choice?

One of the most controversial food issues concerns the type of bread we consume on a daily basis. Curiously, many people make their choice without fully knowing the difference between the two products. So, is white or wholemeal bread better?

Sure the whole type is healthier, but some of us don’t exactly know why. It is surprising the amount of doubts and myths that circulate about one of the most popular foods in the world.

Does bread really make you fat or is it bad for your health? Is it better to eat the dark one? Before drawing conclusions it is necessary to consider some elements, let’s see them together.

Is wholemeal bread more nutritious?

In the traditional blend, the flour consists of three parts: the bran, the germ and the starch. This composition is the key to understanding the difference between black and white bread.

The flour with which white bread is prepared is basically composed of starch, while in wholemeal products the bran and wheat germ are kept. This allows for the preservation of the most precious nutrients of the seed.

Consequently, it is a mistake to think that the whole grain variety has the same effects as a diet bread. More than all, it provides more nutrients with less.

Are all types of dark bread wholemeal?

White bread

The fact that it is dark does not mean that it is integral. There are, in fact, mixtures of refined flours to which a bran supplement or other has been added to obtain this color.

Some doughs are enriched with B vitamins; although this addition may make the product more tempting, it is roughly equivalent to eating white bread.

Many of us believe we consume a whole food based simply on the color of the product. Even worse when the shops sell this type of bread as a natural product.

So… why is the white guy less healthy?

Basically, the problem lies in the refining process used to give the final product a more “commercial” color, appearance and texture.

It is a process during which the flour loses its fibers, mineral salts and its precious natural oils. A lower fiber content means depriving us of a wonderful property of whole foods: the greater ease in producing feces and getting rid of the waste present in the intestinal tract faster.

As if that weren’t enough, people generally feel the need to ingest larger quantities of white bread to feel really full. The opposite happens instead with wholemeal bread.

In search of the ideal bread

wholemeal and white bread on the table

What we have said so far means that the two products do not have differences in the amount of calories contained. However, the choice should fall on the healthiest, most natural and fiber-rich doughs.

In short, the best option is a bread made from wholemeal flour obtained from the whole grain. In this way we ensure a greater intake of fiber, vitamins and nutrients.

Instead, it is good to avoid doughs with a high sugar and gluten content. Basically, the effect of bread on our health depends on the basic ingredients.

Benefits of white or wholemeal bread

Contrary to popular belief, eating bread in moderate quantities has important health benefits.

  • The fibers facilitate the cleansing of the intestinal tract, facilitating the expulsion of waste through the faeces.

It can also help us take care of cardiovascular health. To achieve this, the ideal amount is 2 or 3 small portions, equivalent to 70 grams per day.

  • People with diabetes are advised to have moderate consumption of wholemeal bread. This is because it generates fewer changes in the glycemic index than the refined version.

Pay attention to the condiments and the compote

Sliced ​​bread

Often the harmfulness of this controversial food, white or wholemeal, has more to do with the sauces or the bread rather than with the bread itself. Spreading it with butter, stuffing it with sausages or other high-calorie foods poses a risk to our future health.

Finally, it is advisable to alternate this excellent source of carbohydrates with alternatives such as rice, oats, quinoa, pasta, among others. If the ingredients are of high quality and the doses are moderate, bread is certainly an excellent food for our health.

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