Abdominal Fat And Cellulite: Goodbye With This Remedy

Abdominal fat and cellulite: goodbye with this remedy

Who doesn’t have those little accumulations of belly fat ? It is normal, especially in women, as our metabolism promotes the accumulation of fat in this area, as well as those liquids that we do not purify by committing.

Do you want to know a simple and very useful remedy for a flat stomach?

Simple remedy to reduce abdominal fat and eliminate fluids

Infusion to reduce abdominal fat

A two-in-one remedy that eliminates fluids and reduces fat ? Here it is and it is not a miracle. It is a simple natural remedy that is as healthy as it is suitable for daily use.

Because sometimes, the most basic remedies are the ones that give the best results, especially if we are talking about medicinal plants. But what medicinal plants are we talking about? Let’s see them together.

Medicinal plants to reduce abdominal fat

  • Dandelion: it is one of the most effective medicinal plants for reducing fat. According to experts, the part with the greatest slimming properties is the root. You can find it in herbal medicine and, believe us, it is really good. In general, this plant, in addition to being a powerful detoxifier capable of preserving the health of our kidneys and liver, stimulates the purification and production of urine. It relieves the abdomen, regulates blood sugar levels and also increases our defenses. Incredible!
  • Fresh Ginger: You already know the many benefits of ginger that help reduce fat, purify us and avoid inflammation. There is more: according to the University of Maastricht, this medicinal plant accelerates the metabolism and, therefore, burns more fat. In addition, ginger makes us feel full and is ideal for starting the day.
  • Cinnamon: Did you know that cinnamon is perfect for reducing the amount of fat and losing weight? Indeed, in addition to being delicious and a perfect match for many dishes and herbal teas, cinnamon is a very effective remedy for reducing blood sugar levels, to avoid insulin spikes or sudden drops. Cinnamon also increases body temperature by producing various chemical reactions that speed up our metabolism. Thus, the excess of calories is burned throughout the thermogenesis process. It is excellent!
  • Mint: Do you like the exquisite flavor of mint? Its medicinal properties are perfect for reducing fat, stimulating gastric functions, increasing digestive metabolism and burning more fat. It also improves the functioning of the bladder by increasing the secretion of bile.

How to prepare your remedy for reducing abdominal fat

Ginger, a medicinal plant for reducing abdominal fat

You will need the following ingredients in the quantities indicated:

  • 1 tablespoon of dandelion root
  • a spoonful of fresh grated ginger
  • a piece of cinnamon stick
  • 5 mint leaves
  • 1 and a half glasses of water
  • 2 tablespoons of honey

Preparation and method of use of this remedy

Flat stomach with ginger natural remedy

How to take this slimming tea

It is very easy. It should be taken in three doses distributed throughout the day, three times a week. The first dose should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, as soon as you wake up. It should be swallowed warm and on an empty stomach.

It is also important that all ingredients are fresh. They are quite inexpensive plants and you shouldn’t have a problem finding them. We advise you, especially as regards the dandelion, to use its roots, since as we have already explained, they are richer in slimming properties.

The second dose is taken after lunch, to facilitate digestion and improve purification. The last dose is taken before going to sleep. Remember to consume it lukewarm, never too hot or too cold. The mix of honey, mint and ginger will also make you rest better.

It is not just a herbal tea to reduce fat, it is also an emulsifier and a tonic at the same time, a very healthy and perfect remedy for digestion.

How to prepare it

What you need to do is cook all the ingredients by adding that glass and a half of water. When it boils, turn off the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes. Store your slimming herbal tea in a glass bottle at room temperature. As mentioned before, you have to take three cups a day, three days a week.

As you already know, you will need to supplement this remedy with an adequate, balanced diet without harmful fats. Also, don’t forget to exercise every day, half an hour of brisk walking is enough. Doing this diet with a friend will be much easier. So, what do you think?

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