Advanced Pilates: The Best Exercises

Advanced pilates exercises offer interesting health benefits. However, in order to perform them, you must first complete the beginner and intermediate level.
Advanced Pilates: The Best Exercises

The advanced level pilates exercises are ideal for those who have worked in this discipline for several weeks on intermediate difficulty. These offer positive effects on posture, chronic pain and overall quality of life.

As an article in the Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal explains , these exercises are meant to increase muscle strength and endurance. They increase flexibility and improve posture and balance.

Advanced Pilates: exercises on the ground or with tools?

Although there are some technical differences between floor and apparatus pilates, it is possible to perform the advanced exercises in both methods. You will get the same benefits and can achieve your goals without any problems.

However, we must keep in mind that with tools you work using external weights, while in pilates on the ground you use your own body weight. In both cases it is possible to include elements that complement them, such as the ball, the rubber bands or the circle .

Advanced Pilates exercises

One of the great advantages of the pilates method is that it can work at different levels depending on the physical abilities of the person. Thus, once you reach the intermediate level, you can move on to the advanced level exercises. What options are there?

1. Control and balance

Control and balance exercises have a positive impact on the strength and flexibility of the hip flexor and extensor muscles. They also help strengthen the center of the back.

How are they performed?

  • Inhale as you roll over.
  • Once your legs are over your head, grab your feet.
  • Breathe out gently as you bring one of your legs upward.
  • To add more intensity and extension to the hip, do two bounces with the raised leg.
  • Inhale while keeping the trunk and pelvis stable to change the position of the legs. In other words, one goes down and the other goes up.
  • Repeat the exercise about six times, then bring both feet behind your head until they touch the floor.
  • With a slight movement return to the starting position.
Woman performing an advanced level Pilates exercise.
To perform the advanced level Pilates exercises you need a training period at the beginner and intermediate level.

2. Double leg stretch  

Due to its complexity, this exercise should only be done at an advanced level of pilates. The reason? Bad practice can cause injury. Doing it correctly strengthens the abdominal muscles and neck flexor muscles. In addition, it improves the coordination of movements.

How to do it?

  • In the supine position, bring your legs towards your chest and place your hands on the shins, very close to the ankles.
  • Inhale and exhale as you pull the navel towards the spine. Lift your head off the mat and bring your chin to your chest.
  • The upper body will remain resting on the shoulder blades.
  • Raise your arms to form a 45 degree angle; they should be parallel to the ears.
  • Then, raise your legs at the same angle and hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Return your arms to rest as if to draw a circle. Bend your legs, holding them with your hands at the level of the shins.
  • Inhale to lift the extremities. Hold your breath and exhale to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 6 to 8 times.

3. The crab , advanced pilates

One of the advantages of this posture is that it increases the stability of the trunk. Likewise, it improves the flexibility of the hamstrings and promotes balance.

How is it done?

  • sit on the mat, with your feet extended and your ankles together.
  • Bend your knees and cross your ankles.
  • Hug your legs and grab your ankles from the outside.
  • Keep your head down and keep your abs contracted.
  • Inhale to come down into a backward roll position and exhale to bring your legs over your head. Touch the floor and inhale.
  • Then, exhale to roll forward until your head reaches the mat.
  • Inhale and exhale to roll backwards.
  • Repeat 3 or 4 times.
  • To finish, roll backwards, release your ankles, straighten your legs, and leave your arms out to the sides.

4. Rocking

It is a balance exercise that strengthens the back and protects the spine. In particular, it increases the stability of the bust and helps to maintain good posture.

How is it done?

  • Lie on the mat face down, with your head to the side and your arms at your sides.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest and hold it with your right hand. Then repeat with the left.
  • Inhale and lean on your ankles as you lift your head, chest, and knees.
  • Start moving back and forth, but try to keep the crescent shape.
  • Exhale to move forward and inhale as you rise.
  • Remember that balance is given by the breathing technique; it must be natural to affect the muscles.
  • Always keep your abdomen still and your neck stretched out.
  • Do this exercise about five times.

5. Starfish or Starfish

Like all advanced pilates exercises, this posture activates specific muscles to increase the stability of the body. Specifically, strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and upper body.

How is it done?

  • Lie on your stomach. Keep your legs straight and your arms out in front of you.
  • Inhale and exhale to stretch and lift your right arm off the floor as you stretch your left leg.
  • Inhale to bring the limbs back to the ground at the same time.
  • Exhale and repeat with the left arm and right leg.
  • Always keep your back aligned.
  • Repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times.

6. Boomerang

Practicing advanced pilates exercises also has a positive impact on cardiorespiratory health. The inclusion of the boomerang exercise in your workout offers this benefit and also improves control and balance.

How is it done?

  • Sit on the mat, with your back straight and legs extended, one ankle over the other.
  • Hands should be forward. Inhale to start the movement.
  • Bring your hands up and exhale. Raise your legs as well.
  • Lean back and bring your legs over your head. Your hands remain forward and you will support yourself on the shoulder blades.
  • Now inhale and change the position of the ankles, that is, the one that was at the bottom will be at the top.
  • Exhale as you repeat the movement; feet on the mat, arms back and head down.
  • Inhale again to bring your arms forward and repeat the movement.
  • Do the same thing about 6 or 8 times.
Pilates boomerang exercise.
A correct practice of advanced level Pilates exercises allows to obtain cardiorespiratory benefits.

Tips for performing advanced pilates exercises

To perform these exercises correctly, you need to be consistent and disciplined. The beginner and intermediate level must therefore be completed first. In this way, the body will be prepared for the required difficulty. It is also important to keep the recommendations below in mind.


Warming up is essential when exercising. Prepares the body for physical activity and prevents injury to muscles, tendons, ligaments or joints.


At an advanced level it is more than essential to manage the breathing technique, since the positive effects of each exercise largely depend on it. Remember to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

As you breathe, the ribs extend out and up, while the spine stretches to fill the lungs with as much air as possible.


Remember that it is important to ensure the accuracy of the movements that make up each exercise. To do this, it is essential to focus on postures and breathing technique.

Advanced pilates exercises improve health

Part of a healthy lifestyle, pilates exercises are helpful in improving health and well-being. This discipline increases muscle strength and flexibility, as well as promotes cardiorespiratory health.

However, it is important to proceed gradually until you reach a level of resistance that allows you to perform the advanced level. If possible, it is best to practice this discipline with the assistance of a professional. Keep this in mind!

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