Anti-cellulite Fruit To Add To The Diet

Thanks to their potassium supply, bananas counteract water retention and reduce inflammation. In addition, they prevent the formation of new cellulite nodules.
Fruit against cellulite to add to the diet

In today’s article we present the fruit against cellulite to absolutely add to the diet to counter this annoying imperfection.

Cellulite, also known as “orange peel skin”, is an aesthetic problem due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fatty tissue which, in turn, forms a network of small, hollow-looking nodules.

It tends to form in areas such as the buttocks and legs, although it can also affect the abdomen and upper body. Women are the most affected and, in fact, more than 90% suffer from it to a greater or lesser extent.

Its main cause is excess body weight, but it can affect anyone as it is also produced due to inflammatory and hormonal imbalances.

Fortunately, in addition to topically applied products, we can add some simple habits to our normal routine to minimize cellulite.

Among them, the regular consumption of some fruits with great nutritional value stands out.

Are you interested in discovering fruit against cellulite?

Fruit against cellulite

1. Melon


Melon is composed of 90% water and, for this reason, has diuretic properties that facilitate the reduction of cellulite.

This quality, together with its vitamins and minerals, promotes the proper functioning of the lymphatic system, removing toxins and optimizing circulation.

It also reduces the absorption of fats in the intestine and improves the body’s ability to transform them into energy sources.

  • Ingest this fruit in its natural state 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Add it to your fruit smoothies and salads.

2. Strawberries

Strawberries are full of antioxidant compounds and essential minerals that help detoxify the body.

Their regular ingestion removes toxins present in the bloodstream and reduces inflammatory reactions.

These benefits promote allowing the strawberry to fall into the category of fruit against cellulite, as it slows the formation of lumps of fat and liquids.

  • Eat a handful of strawberries 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Prepare a natural strawberry juice and drink it every day.
  • Add this fruit to your salads and desserts.

3. Pears


The consumption of pears, associated with a healthy diet, is a habit that facilitates the reduction of orange peel skin.

These sweet-tasting fruits contain iodine, a nutritional principle that improves the functioning of the thyroid gland avoiding the onset of metabolic difficulties.

This allows you to maintain a healthy weight and avoids skin inflammation.

It should also be noted that the pear also provides fiber and antioxidants, which favors the process of eliminating toxins.

  • Eat up to 3 raw pears a day.
  • Drink a glass of pear juice on an empty stomach for at least 2 weeks.

4. Bananas

Bananas are an important source of potassium, an essential mineral that reduces water retention in tissues.

This nutritional principle regulates sodium levels and, by reducing inflammation, prevents the formation of new cellulite nodules.

As if that were not enough, their vitamins improve the passage of blood through the veins and, by optimizing the oxygenation process, facilitate the elimination of this imperfection.

  • Eat one banana a day.
  • Add them to smoothies, salads and desserts.

5. Pineapple


It is no coincidence that pineapple stands out among the fruit against cellulite. It is, in fact,  one of the best anti-cellulite foods we can find. 

It contains an enzyme called bromelain, which offers us anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and diuretic properties.

Combined with vitamin C, it promotes the reduction of fat nodules in the skin, greatly reducing cellulite.

Both the fruit and the natural juice of the pineapple stimulate the elimination of retained fluids and improve circulatory health.

  • Consume a cup of chopped pineapple every day.
  • Drink a glass of pineapple juice mid-morning.
  • Add it raw to smoothies and salads.

6. Grapefruit

Grapefruits are citrus fruits that, in exchange for a few calories, offer interesting benefits to metabolic and digestive health.

Characterized by its high intake of vitamin C and essential minerals, it is a food that reduces the formation of fat deposits in the subcutaneous tissue.

Its natural juice regulates skin pH, improving skin oxygenation and circulation. Among other things, it is recommended for lowering cholesterol and preventing diabetes.

  • Eat 2 or 3 grapefruits a day.
  • Drink a glass of grapefruit juice before each main meal.

Are you trying to fight this annoying blemish? Remember to include this fruit against cellulite in your diet and accompany it with a diet low in fat and calories.

This, combined with physical activity, will help you to significantly reduce cellulite in no time.

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