Ascites: Definition, Advice And Treatments

Ascites is a very annoying problem for which there are various treatments. Today we will discover some of them and we will give you all the information to learn more about this disease
Ascites: definition, advice and treatments

The term ascites refers to an accumulation of fluid that occurs around the area surrounding the organs of the abdomen. This substance is known as “ascitic fluid”. It may have a serous appearance, is transparent, and separates from the blood as it clots.

According to the Spanish specialist Luis Téllez, ascites is: “a frequent exploratory finding, especially in patients with liver cirrhosis”. However, there can be many other causes. These include tumors, portal hypertension or even systemic infections.

Why does ascites occur?

Bottles of glass and at the bottom man drinks alcohol

To determine the causes of ascites, blood vessel pressure should be observed. If it is too high, you are in the presence of portal hypertension, with significant risk of suffering from this pathology.

Other factors can affect its occurrence, including constant and excessive alcohol consumption over the years or even a prolonged infection of hepatitis B or C. The consequences and aftermath of liver infection can favor the onset of ascites.

However, this risk is also present in people with cancer. In the list below we have collected the malignant tumors that predict ascites among the various symptoms:

  • Otherwise.
  • Ovaries and uterus.
  • Appendix.
  • Colon.
  • Pancreas.
  • Liver.

In all these cases, the risk of suffering from ascites is high. However, let’s see in the following paragraphs how to treat this disorder and how to overcome the effects of the accumulation of serous fluid in the abdomen area.

How to treat ascites

Ascites can cause swelling in the belly, discomfort and difficulty in breathing. The latter is the consequence of the fact that the fluid can exert a certain pressure on the lungs, making the breathing process difficult.

There are several treatments for this disease and it is important to know how they work and how effective they are.

Lifestyle changes

If ascites is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, your doctor will recommend a drastic change in your eating habits and lifestyle. If you are not able to get out of this addiction immediately, you will have to do it progressively. In these cases, it may be helpful to join a support group.

It may happen that the specialist imposes limits on salt intake, a measure to prevent portal hypertension. Likewise, fluid consumption should be moderate. This also applies to water, which should only be drunk in small quantities, but with a much higher frequency.

Liquid extraction

Pregnant woman lying on white sofa

Another treatment of ascites involves the extraction of the serous fluid. The problem is that it can reappear, so it is a palliative measure, designed exclusively to calm the patient’s discomfort and pain.

In many cases to drain the liquid whenever it appears, a catheter is placed at the site of the extraction with a stopcock system. In this way, if necessary, the drainage duct can be reopened, allowing the ascitic fluid to escape.

Pharmacological treatments

If he deems it necessary, the doctor may prescribe some drugs to the patient with ascites that will favor a gradual improvement of the clinical picture. Among these are:

  • Diuretics : which will allow to eliminate the excess liquid.
  • Antibiotics : These will help deal with infections that may arise internally.

If you prefer to opt for natural remedies, some products that will help you drain the fluid accumulated in the abdomen. However, each choice will need to be discussed and shared with the treating physician. It is wrong to self-medicate in case of ascites.

In addition to prescribing personalized and elaborate treatment based on an accurate diagnosis, doctors usually recommend rest. Ascites is very annoying and can cause a lot of discomfort and discomfort. Maintaining comfortable postures and limiting burdening on the abdominal area will be two measures of great help in preventing pain.

However, this does not mean that you have completely cut down on your activities. Keep in mind that doing some physical activity can prevent further water retention, contributing to the improvement of ascites. Always follow the doctor’s recommendations and do not take initiatives without first consulting him.

Have you ever suffered from ascites? Which treatment worked best for you? We hope to have succeeded, at least in part, in clearing up some of the doubts relating to this problem. Knowing a disease better, in fact, one is also more ready to face it and solve it effectively.

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