Back Pain: 4 Yoga Poses To Combat It

Thanks to these yoga positions, in addition to stretching the back and avoiding contractures, you will be able to relax the whole area and relieve pain, reducing the possibility of it recurring in the future. 
Back pain: 4 yoga poses to combat it

Back pain is now one of the most common problems,  as the use of technological devices and stress are potential causes of its continuous occurrence.

Usually the pain should go away with some rest and some pain reliever, but sometimes it can last longer than normal, requiring another type of treatment.

Although it might seem strange, the practice of some yoga positions can serve as a therapy  to improve symptoms.   

Through them, circulation is stimulated and muscle tension is relieved, which prevents pain from calming down quickly.

On this occasion we want to reveal the 4 best yoga positions for this purpose, so that you do not hesitate to carry them out directly at home or in the office. Try it!

Yoga positions to reduce back pain

1. Fists flexed forward

yoga position 1 back pain

This movement allows the necessary stretching of the tense muscles of the spine  and stimulates the nervous system.

How to do it?

  • Stand on a yoga mat and spread your feet hip-width apart.
  • Bend your knees and lean so that your torso is above your legs and your belly touches your thighs.
  • Clench your fists and position your arms as shown in the image.
  • Relax your back, neck and head, and clench your fists.
  • Do between 10 and 20 repetitions, inhaling and exhaling.

2. Board to the wall

yoga posture against back pain wall
This movement is a bit more complex and requires good practice to be done correctly.

It is ideal for lower back pain, but also for relieving tensions in the upper body and relieving back pain. 

How to do it?

  • Position yourself in front of a wall with your arms extended and lean your body forward, resting your palms against the wall, with your fingers stretched out.
  • Maintain the position of the fingers and push the belly backwards, at the same time stretching the tailbone towards the floor.
  • Push the ribs with the pelvis, in order to obtain a natural curvature of the lower back.
  • Keep your spine stretched and begin walking with your legs backwards, bending your hips and coming to form an L.
  • Repeat this exercise with 10 or 20 breaths and then return to the starting position.

3. Downward facing dog

back pain dog yoga position

The Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana” is an ideal position for warming up, as it involves stretching the whole body.

It tones the nerves in the spine and promotes blood circulation  from the lower area to the head, promoting the healing of back pain.

It also serves to strengthen the muscles and joints of the arms, legs, neck and back.

How to do it?

  • Assume the dog position, with the feet apart at the hips and the palms of the hands as a support point.
  • Next, rest your metatarsals and lift your body into the downward facing dog position.
  • It is important not to arch your back too far back, as you could contract the muscles incorrectly.
  • Raise the front ribs to ensure firmness in the shoulders and spine.
  • Push the tailbone towards the heels and apply pressure with the inside and outside of the feet.

4. Balasana or position of the child

position of the child back pain

The “Balasana” or child posture is a relaxed movement that generates an active stretch to lengthen the spine.  

It is used to relax between one exercise and another or to conclude a stretching routine. It is recommended to ease the tension associated with stress.

How to do it?

  • Turn around on your stomach.
  • Try to assume the position keeping the knees apart, the thumbs in contact, and then bring the knees together to stretch the spinal cord.
  • If your head is not touching the floor, place a half-moon yoga pillow under your forehead so that you can fully relax.
  • Align your arms to the sides of your body.
  • Inhale deeply and you will feel how, with each exhalation, the tension dissolves.

As you can see, these yoga poses are easy to do and will increase your feeling of well-being.  

If accompanied by breathing exercises or meditation, you can obtain many benefits for the balance of your body and mind.

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