Beautiful And Healthy Feet Thanks To Some Tips

Pay attention to your feet and remember to hydrate and care for them. During the night you can massage them with essential oils to relax.
Beautiful and healthy feet thanks to some tips

It is not only a question of aesthetics, but also of health. To be able to walk at your best and not feel pain or discomfort, to show off beautiful and healthy feet, in great shape when we wear any type of shoes or when we are barefoot … Keep in mind the following tips to be put into practice all year round.

The first important thing to take into consideration in order to show off healthy and beautiful feet is the type of footwear we wear.

Shoes: allies and enemies of beautiful and healthy feet

A recent study showed that women own around 20 different pairs of shoes, of which only 5 are worn regularly.

The models that you buy do not always respect the physiognomy of the foot and can cause a lot of pain when walking or when holding on to the feet for many hours. Heels cause too much trouble, for example, even if they fit and slim your legs.

Even though women buy far more shoes than men, neither of them take good care of their feet and toes. It is one of the most neglected parts of the body. It shouldn’t be, as they are essential for us to walk and stand.

In fact, it is much more frequent to have a manicure done than a pedicure, and the creams we buy are almost always for the hands, face and legs, but not for the feet.

Homemade treatments are very good and effective, but we should take time to “pamper” this very important part of our body, which allows us to walk and move.

Feet in the summer

Tips for having beautiful and healthy feet every day

The following tips are very interesting and if you follow them, not only will your feet be much more beautiful, but you will no longer have pain or problems:

  • Avoid being overweight. Excess weight causes a lot of pain in both feet and ankles. Furthermore, obesity is related to circulatory and bone problems, etc. With each step you take, the weight of the body on the feet doubles. If we add to all this shoes that do not allow the entire sole of the foot to be placed on the floor, the situation worsens.
  • Buy shoes that fit your feet. There are three types of feet: the Egyptian, the Roman and the Greek. Not in all cases the big toe is the longest toe. This detail is very important when it comes to buying shoes.


Furthermore, these  should preferably be made of leather and made of flexible materials so that the foot can breathe better. Try to fold the shoe and if the resistance is too much, don’t buy it. The toe of the shoe should be able to touch the heel.

The ideal is that they fasten with laces or felt, because during the day the foot swells and if the shoe has a rigid closure, for example, it will not be able to adapt to the new dimensions.

Both in winter and in summer the shoe must be closed, so that the fingers do not slip or do not have to make more effort not to go out.

Check that the shoe is the correct size for your foot, you must be able to wear it without problems. If the front is narrower, it will cause your foot to take on a triangle shape and could cause hallux valgus.

Feet enameled

More tips for healthy and beautiful feet:

  • Foot hygiene. This is a very important point: use a neutral soap, pass the pumice stone where there are calluses, such as on the heels. Do not use corn removers, as these chemicals can cause wounds on the skin.

Dry the space between your fingers thoroughly after taking a shower, to avoid fungus growth. Use creams for dry areas, especially in summer and if you are wearing open shoes.

  • Use the right shoe for every occasion. The maximum heel height for women is 5 cm, for men 4 cm and for children 1.30 cm. The heel must be wide, not spiked or very thin, because it does not give any kind of protection or safety when walking.

Flat shoes are also not recommended, as they cause pain in the soles of the feet and impair circulation. Use different shoes depending on the activity, if you are going to work, going out to play sports , going to a party, etc. 

  • Socks or socks, always. Even in summer, there are very thin and almost imperceptible socks that will prevent you from chafing, heel pain and sweat accumulation in your shoes, which are very often difficult to wash. We recommend that they are made of cotton and not synthetic materials, because these make the foot sweat much more.

Other tips:

  • Cut your nails straight. In this way you will prevent them from becoming incarnate, one of the most common and painful problems, especially if you exercise or walk a lot.

To solve this growth of the nail inside the skin, place your feet in a container with warm water and salt for 15 minutes twice a day until the area is disinfected. Then cut the nail straight so that it doesn’t happen again.

  • Protect your feet in public places, such as swimming pools or changing rooms. Do not walk around the house barefoot either, as this could cause warts, fungus, etc. and you will also damage your heels. If you like to take your shoes off when you get back from work, at least wear socks.
  • Pamper your feet once a week. An excellent way to start the weekend is, for example, on a Friday night while watching TV after dinner, put your feet in a bowl with water and salt or some essential oil.

Leave them for 20 minutes and then dry them well, first with a towel and then letting them breathe in the air without wearing socks or shoes.

Even a good massage will not be bad at all: you can ask your partner for it or make it yourself after washing them. Always use an oil or moisturizer, starting with the heel and ending with the fingers.

Images courtesy of D Sharon Pruitt, Pedro Ribeiro Simoes, Kristine Full, Sharona Gott and Andrea Rinaldi.

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