Decorating With Family Photos: 11 Creative Ideas

11 original ways to decorate rooms with the most beautiful family photographs.
Decorating with family photos: 11 creative ideas

Furnishing the spaces of our home with family photos is a gesture that opens up to a world made up of memories and precious moments. 

Despite the latest trends in minimalism, displaying family photographs in the living room or bedroom is for many an indispensable habit trying, however, to make them protagonists in a new way, with the help of lights, branches, etc.

Don’t leave your best shots in your phone or in a drawer, because this way you won’t be able to enjoy them properly. Create a personal corner, choosing from many creative ideas.

Photographs have great power: they awaken feelings and emotions. A memory that makes you smile is the ideal element to fill your home with warmth.

Ideas for decorating with family photos

If you are enthusiastic about the world of furniture and you want to always have the happiest moments under your eyes, we give you 11 ideas for decorating your home with family photos in an original and fun way.

With pillows

Pillows with printed photographs

Pillows with photo prints are always in trend. Dare with the most cheerful and creative images.

Custom frames

This presentation is about highlighting special features of the photograph or your personality. For example, if you like shiny things, add some glitter or glitter to the frame. If you like to sew, you can apply buttons or embroidered elements to highlight a part of the photograph.

Old and new

Old photographs compared to new ones

An always interesting idea is to see the evolution over time. To do this, you need to find or take a pose similar to that of an old photograph in which brothers, a relative, father and son, grandfather, etc. appear.

Select the most beautiful images and identify the most characteristic features. You can even create a family tree with original photographs that show the similarities and differences between generations.

Glass jars to decorate with family photos

Some glass containers are an ideal element to decorate a shelf, a piece of furniture or a coffee table.

You can exhibit a single photograph or collect a series of memories inside the container. One or more lights give a magical and special touch.

XL photographs and mini collages

Furnish with family photos, collages

As well as cushions, you can create photo murals with the best images of your family.

Mosaic photographs

How about a whole wall decorated with mosaic-like photographs ? It’s a perfect idea to fill walls, stairs or hallways with color and fun memories. Why not?

Decorate with family photos on suspended wires

decorate with family photos suspended by a thread

Get some thread and something to hang the photos. You can use pegs to hang the laundry in miniature, or hooks and pliers of any other type.

Insert two nails at the ends of the wall, tighten the thread and hang your photographs as if they were hanging clothes.


Get the mechanism of a wall clock or a clock. Choose your favorite 12 photos, then place them in a frame. You can use frames of different sizes. Each photograph will mark one of the 12 hours.

The first thing to do is to find a panel on which you will draw the design for your photographs. You can create a heart, a circle, a square, a triangle or the pattern you like best. Decorate the frames or leave them natural, then glue the photographs.

Chalkboard frames

Decorate with family photographs, chalkboard frames

Do you like black and white photographs? Chalkboard paint is a good way to make them stand out in all their glory. You will need to cut two square panels, one smaller and one larger.

The larger square will act as a proper frame and will be painted with chalkboard paint. On the smaller one you will glue the photograph, being careful not to create creases if it is a sheet of paper. When everything is dry, you can write a message on it.

Geometric intertwining of threads

A different idea, simple, but fresh and ideal for environments with a modern and sophisticated style. Drive a series of pegs on the wall to create a geometric interweaving; pass some string and hang the best photos.

A heart to decorate with family photos

Photographs arranged in the heart

Glue the photos onto small wooden bases or leave them as they are; then arrange them on the wall to create the shape of a heart.

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